Thursday, April 2, 2020

Israel: Ultra-Orthodox Jews object to COVID 19 social distancing protocols cough at and call police Nazis

(Bet Shemesh)  So as you may have noticed the entire world and his dog (But not the ones in China as they have been eaten) have had something of a melt down over COVID 19 (Linked somewhat to that nasty Chinese habit of eating anything that moves) resulting in mass panic and people being quarantined inside their own homes in which to and mitigate the spread of the virus.

Most of the world have no problem with this, as they can see, people are dying all over the world, and normal people don’t want to be next and then we come to the Haredi an extreme band of groups within the orthodox Jewish community , who subscribe to this view that they really are the chosen few and go well out of their way in which to let others know of their superior status and that they will do as they please (usually on the backs of the Israeli taxpayer) so why am I not surprised to see this band of window lickers objecting to the lockdown in place across most of the world ,never mind Israel and then when Israel police were sent to get them to abide by the law of the land (A jewish land at that) they played the 'Nazis' card and used brainwashed rugrats infused with the  bigotry that only religion breeds in which to cough at the police in which to force them to keep their distance . idiots.