(Jerusalem) It has been revealed that last nights attack carried out by the IDF on 15 separate targets was done by the use of Surface to Surface missiles and not aircraft:
Friday, November 30, 2018
Israel: Last nights attack on Syria carried out by Surface to surface missiles and not Aircraft
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/30/2018 06:02:00 PM |

Labels: Israel, Syria, Weapons news

Lebanon: Hours after Israel struck Hezb-allah positions, they release a video taunting the Jews to attack if they dare.
(Beirut) Hezbollah on Friday published a video with Hebrew subtitles
in which it threatened to respond to any Israeli attack on Lebanon. The title
of the video is “Zionists, if you dare, you will regret it”. Hezbollah leader
Hassan Nasrallah is heard in the video saying, "There will be a response
to every Israeli attack in Lebanon.". The irony here is that last night
one of the targets struck by the IDF was Al-Zabadani, a town on the the Lebanese'Syrian border , which Hezb-allah has taken over and established , command
posts, training camps and ammunition and rocket depots.
I suppose the threat in all in the wording. Semantics eh!
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/30/2018 04:15:00 PM |

Labels: Hezbollah, Race-hate, Syria

Interlude: Yazoo - Don't Go
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/30/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, November 29, 2018
Syria: Israel strikes Iranian assets ...again.
(Damascus) Reports are coming in that Israel has struck targets inside Syria. Starting at 21.30hrs local time, the IDF have launched at least 3 waves of missile attacks agaisnt Iranian and Hezb-allah targets .
#BREAKING— Eva J. Koulouriotis - إيفا كولوريوتي (@evacool_) November 29, 2018
Information on the targeting by Israeli warplanes on a military site belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards adjacent to the #Damascus International Airport.#Isreal #IDF #IRGC #Iran #Russia #USA #Assad pic.twitter.com/BLnKbO7DhV
As is always the case, Syrian media has reported that they have taken out numerous missiles and hinted that an IDF aircraft was also taken out. This has been denied by the IDF.#BREAKING— Eva J. Koulouriotis - إيفا كولوريوتي (@evacool_) November 29, 2018
Israeli warplanes target the first division of the Assad regime, which contains anti-aircraft in the area of Al-Keswa south of the Syrian capital #Damascus.#Syria #Israel #Russia #Iran #IDF pic.twitter.com/wmue0Z1mBt
Reports regarding an IDF aircraft or an airborne IDF target having been hit are false.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 29, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/29/2018 05:28:00 PM |

Labels: Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Syria

Germany: Bus Drivers now given 2 security staff due to sharp rise of attacks.
(Recklinghausen) In recent years attacks on bus drivers in the Recklinghausen area have seen a sharp rise, from four incidents in 2016, to 15 in 2017. (The figures for 2018 are not yet available.) Vestische which runs buses in the area has decided to equip its buses that run at night and during public holidays with 2 security guards in which to protect its staff as of the 1st December 2018.
Funny enough 20 miles away in the city of Dortmund, ( Which has a large immigrant population) Buses have carrying security guards for the past 10 years. Funny how in Europe attacks on migrants (which are thankfully rare) are quickly denounced, and given much coverage by the media in which to pain the host nation as vapid racists. Yet the much more numerous attacks carried out by migrants are hushed up for the sake of political correctness.
In Recklinghausen fahren ab 19:00 Uhr Sicherheitskräfte im Bus mit, um den Fahrer vor Übergriffen zu schützen. Wtf?😐pic.twitter.com/WhXJ4XGuH1— Fernschreiber (@Fern_Schreiber) November 29, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/29/2018 03:39:00 PM |

Labels: Germany, Hate mongers, left-wing lunacy

Wednesday, November 28, 2018
UK: Rape victim let down a second time by authorities.
(Rotherham) made all the headlines around the world when it was revealed that the authorities in the city (Police/social workers/ Child protection/ councillors) had covered up the mass rapes of over 1400 young girls by Pakistani men for years because they didn't want to be seen as racist if they took action. What really shocked the country was how far the authorities went out of their way to cover up the peccadilloes of these gangs of Pakistani rapists (Who for some strange reason are still never referred to as paedophiles but rather as groomers) including going to court in which to try and prevent the Times from publishing the story.
Sammy Woodhouse was groomed in Rotherham from the age of 14.— Victoria Derbyshire (@VictoriaLIVE) November 28, 2018
Now she says the council has invited her rapist to play a role in her son's life.https://t.co/O8S11m6bw2 pic.twitter.com/CeilPf0PF7
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/28/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: child abuse, Islamic rape, Political Correctness, Woman's rights

Nederland: Playing Russian roulette with trains isn't clever.
(Haarlem) I grew up in the country and as a child my walk to school entailed crossing a gated level crossing, where we first had to pick up the phone on the gate and ask the signal man if it was safe to cross.. Even then we would look both ways to ensure that a train wasn't coming . Unfortunately the wisdom of a young child doesn't appear to be found in many adults across the world and Holland is no exception. Here's a video of a idiot playing Russian roulette with a train which was released by Dutch Prorail the otherday (Dutch railways) as part of their latest safety campaign.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/28/2018 08:46:00 PM |

Labels: Netherlands, Stupid twat.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
UK: Knife attacker walks free from court
(London) has gained something of a reputation due to its knife crime epidemic which funny enough started when the city picked a human rights lawyer as its new mayor and the first thing he did was get rid of police stop and search as he deemed it was 'racist'. since then knife crime has gone through the roof and despite the Mayor claiming he is pulling all the stops out in which to combat this evil trend, the killings continue.
Which brings me to the story of 18 year old Joshua Gardner who went on the rampage on the streets of London with a huge zombie knife. in May this year. Thankfully nobody was injured and due to the entire incident being captured on film Gardner was soon arrest and today had his day in court.I’m doing everything I can to help officers make our streets safer. Since April, our City Hall-funded Violent Crime Taskforce has seized 475 knives and recovered 348 other offensive weapons, and made over 2,000 arrests.https://t.co/71aI96LCOt— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) November 27, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/27/2018 02:12:00 PM |

Labels: Common-sense, left-wing lunacy, Multiculturalism, Stupid twat., useful idiots

Monday, November 26, 2018
Somalia: Terrorists murder 18 for playing music.
(Galkayo) A suicide bomber from today targeted an Islamic preacher and his followers in Somalia today for the sin of playing music. Yup apparently to the Islamic thought police inside the country (Aka Islamic terrorist group Al Shahbab) Music is forbidden and so decided to enforce their bigotry on Sheikh Abdiweli Ali Elmi by sending in a nutter with a bomb strapped to him and after that went bang, they sent in 4 gunmen to make sure the message was sent that music is agaisnt...Islam.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/26/2018 03:46:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic Jihad, Somalia, Terrorism

Friday, November 23, 2018
Pakistan: Suicide bomb attack on market kills 36.
The ensuring blast has so far claimed 36 lives, with another 51 seriously injured.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/23/2018 11:00:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Pakistan, Terrorism

Afghanistan: Bomb blast inside mosque kills 26
(Khost) You can always tell when its Friday (The Islamic holyday) as its the day religious idiots, go out of their way in which to murder,death, kill in the belief that in doing so, they are assured VIP treatment in Heaven.
And so it was in southern Khost, when somebody detonated a bomb inside a mosque situated inside an Afghan army camp killing at least 26 people (figure is set to rise)
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/23/2018 10:00:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, Islamic Jihad, Terrorism

Pakistan: Attack on Chinese consulate : 4 killed.
(Karachi) Terrorists attempted this morning to storm the Chinese consulate in
Karachi, triggering an hour-long shootout during which two Pakistani civilians,
two police officers and the three assailants were killed.
The attack has been claimed by a terrorist group from the south-western province of Balochistan, who have made it very clear they will strike at the heart of Pakistan’s close relationship with China, which has invested very heavily in projects in the country. All the Chinese diplomats and staff at the consulate have been reported as safe and unharmed during the attack.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/23/2018 08:46:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic Jihad, Pakistan, Terrorism

Iran: 5 kidnapped soldiers flown home after being released by Pakistan
(Tehran) The Mad mullahs like nothing better than to make a huge song and dance over soldiers they have kidnapped. Its all propaganda and they are good at it, Well now its Irans turn to be on the receiving end. (Mind you unlike western nations, the Iranian political and religious elites don't really give a jot about their people) For a while now Iran has been experiencing problems with locals on its eastern border with Pakistan. For some strange reason the Pakistani folks in the region love to attack Iranian soldiers inside Iran,
![]() |
Former captives wearing garlands |
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/23/2018 03:00:00 AM |

Interlude: BA Robertson - Bang Bang
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/23/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, November 22, 2018
Pakistan: Prime minister Imran Khan : "Jesus Christ was not mentioned in human history. "
(Islamabad) Whilst addressing a conference in Islamabad yesterday
celebrating the birthday of the founder of the Islam. Imran Khan the prime minister
of Pakistan made a right fool of himself, as well as exposing the polarised mindset
of the Pakistani people by coming out with the following:
“Moses got some mention, but Jesus Christ has no mention in human history,”
WHAT!?!?— Gul Bukhari (@GulBukhari) November 20, 2018
“Moses got some mention, but Jesus Christ has no mention in history” - Prime Minister Pakistan Imran Khan. pic.twitter.com/glnwN2qRMc

Lebanon:Actress posing as rape victim, gets abused for being a ...victim
(Beirut) Women’s rights NGO Abaad, in partnership with the Lebanese office For
Women Affairs and the National Commission for Lebanese Women, and with the
financial support of the Dutch Embassy in Lebanon, the British Embassy in
Lebanon and the Norwegian People Aid, and a number of partners and allies, has
launched the “#ShameOnWho?” nationwide campaign. Founder & Director of ABAAD.Ghida Anani, described this as:
"The aim of this campaign is to press for tougher sanctions and accelerate trials against rapists, in cases of sexual violence and rape in particular, and to change social perceptions that stigmatize and shame female rape victims, pushing them to cover up the crime. It also aims to create a supportive public opinion that condemns the act of rape as a crime punishable by a deterrent punishment"The campaign included a video of a social experiment that had been conducted, in more than one area of Lebanon, in which to observe the behaviours and reactions of people who were presented with a female actress playing the part of a rape victim.The majority of people who she bumped into blamed the victim, accusing her of instigating the rape and “running loose,” with few people asking about the rapist. This behaviour reflects the negative perception and attitudes of the Lebanese society towards rape victims.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/22/2018 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: Lebanon, Woman's rights

Somalia: 3 days of US airstrikes sees over 50 Terrorists killed.
(Mogadishu) The Somalia based Al Shabaab terror group continues to be
weakened following three days of airstrikes by US forces that have left 50 dead
so far. In a statement, the US Africa Command says they conducted two more
airstrikes in the vicinity of Haradere, Somalia on Wednesday.
Al-Shabaab Degraded by U.S., Federal Government of Somalia - https://t.co/zcu8kQcere pic.twitter.com/12Kxv50aRU— US AFRICOM (@USAfricaCommand) November 20, 2018
Al-Shabaab Degraded by U.S., Federal Government of Somalia - https://t.co/u1JpFmBe7j pic.twitter.com/dd93jJbkND— US AFRICOM (@USAfricaCommand) November 21, 2018
This week's airstrikes have been carried out in Mudug region of Somalia which is north of the capital and has been reality clear of Al Shahbab activity until of late. So it appears that the US, is making sure that these newcomers don't settle.Al-Shabaab Degraded by U.S., Federal Government of Somalia - https://t.co/QBbtkgnSEA pic.twitter.com/jekLdtdjVa— US AFRICOM (@USAfricaCommand) November 22, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/22/2018 06:00:00 PM |

Nigeria: 100 soldiers killed in terrorist attack
The approaching terrorists were spotted by the sentries of the 157 Task Force Battalion, but instead of preparing for battle and fighting back, the troops hunkered down in which to weather the storm and then in a fit of madness, decided to do a runner in their trucks, however the first truck in their escape convoy broke down as it tried to push a way through the barbed wire fence which surrounds the camp ,blocking their route out of the base for the rest of the convoy and around 100 soldiers were killed in the ensuring kill zone. The entire camp has been ransacked, resulting in the terrorists gaining huge stores of tanks, armoured vehicles, weapons and lots of ammo. A mission to collect the dead, the next day was foiled the next day when it was ambushed.
After 9 years of fighting, and of late geaining the upper hand agaisnt the Boko Haram terrorists, it appears somebody became complacent by sending such raw troops into a warzone. A complacency which has undone a lot of hard work and will result in this drawn out insurgency being drawn out even longer, due to corruption, nepotism and pure stupidity. Why stupidity, because the day before another base in the same town had been overrun.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/22/2018 03:48:00 PM |

Labels: Boko Haram, Islamic Jihad, Nigeria, Terrorism

Wednesday, November 21, 2018
US: federal judge declares law banning female genital mutilation unconstitutional
(Detroit) US district judge Bernard Friedman in Detroit on Tuesday declared unconstitutional a US law banning female genital mutilation, and then dismissed several charges against two doctors and others in the first US criminal case of its kind. Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman for US attorney Matthew Schneider in Detroit, said that prosecutor’s office would review the decision before deciding whether to appeal. The decision removed the main charges against Jumana Nagarwala, a doctor who performed the procedure on nine girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota at another doctor’s clinic in the Detroit suburb of Livonia.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/21/2018 06:00:00 PM |

Labels: child abuse, Common-sense, Islamic intolerance, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness

Pakistan: Gangs of Islamic zealots search for family of Asia Bibi after she was acquitted of Blasphemy
(Islamabad) Three weeks ago 51 year old Christian Asia Bibi was acquitted of blasphemy in Pakistan after spending 8 years on death row after she was accused of defaming the image of the Islamic founder after she drank out of a glass used by a bunch of Islamic women she was working with. Despite been accused on the wisp of a rumour, Salmaan Taseer a liberal MP petitioned for her release in 2011 on mercy grounds, he was murdered by his own bodyguard for doing. Her lawyer left the country in search of asylum after she was released .
Now it has been reported by Aid charities in Pakistan that gangs are searching hight and low across the country in which to find this innocent women and her family in which to show them that the most peaceful religion in the world wants them dead based entirely on a lie:
“They have told me that mullahs had been reported in their neighbourhood going from house to house showing photos of family members on their phones, trying to hunt them down. The family have had to move from place to place to avoid detection. Sometimes they can only operate after sundown. They have had to cover their faces when they go out in public. They have had to remove the rosary that hangs from their car rear-view mirror for fear of attack.”
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/21/2018 02:28:00 PM |

Labels: Fifth Column, Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Islamization, Multiculturalism, Pakistan, Race-hate, useful idiots

Belgium: Policeman attacked by Allah ackba screaming knifeman
(Brussels) police are reporting that the knife attack on a policeman
stood outside the Police station in in the Rue du Marché au Charbon, at 0530hrs
yesterday by a man armed with two knives is now being treated as a terrorist incident.
The injured policeman was taken to hospital. His injuries are not life-threatening. The attacker was shot twice by 2 other policemen and is currently in a serious condition. Belgium police are saying the motive for the attack is unknown.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/21/2018 06:00:00 AM |

Labels: Belgium, Islamic Jihad, Terrorism

New Zealand: Ackland pride faces huge backlash after it bans the Police from taking part .
(Auckland) Pride events take place all over the world (Well Western world) and its where the LGBT crowd get to celebrate the fact ,that they are here and Queer in which to showcase their fight for equality after years of inequality,homosexuals are deemed (quite rightly) by law (in many western countries) to be the equal of heterosexuals.
— AKL Pride Festival (@AucklandPride) November 20, 2018And as usual, those who find fault with everything and anything have ended killing the golden goose that actually promotes their cause.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/21/2018 04:00:00 AM |

Labels: New Zealand, Political Correctness, Snowflakes

Afghanistan: Suicide bomb attack on clerics sees 55 killed.
(Kabul) Yesterday the Islamic world celebrated the birthday of their founder, Mohammed when he came out of hos cave, declared his love for a 6 year old child and set forth onto the world a culture of murder, death kill. Which is why in Afghanistan somebody decided to carry out a suicide bombing
The attack at the Uranus Wedding Hall, a business complex that was hosting both the gathering and a wedding, occurred at around 1820hrs local time when a suicide bomber walked into the gathering and blew himself up during a reading of the Koran. On top of the 55 dead another 83 people were injured.
Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/21/2018 02:30:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, Suicide Bombing, Terrorism

Sunday, November 18, 2018
Canada: The Royal Canadian Navy of the future.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/18/2018 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: Canada, Weapons news

Australia: The Royal Australian Navy of the future
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/18/2018 06:00:00 PM |

Labels: Australia, Weapons news

Chechnya : Female suicide bomber fails to murder death kill
(Grozny) A
female suicide bomber blew herself up on Saturday near a police checkpoint in
the Chechen capital thankfully nobody else was killed or
Police noticed her approaching their location and demanded she stop moving, she didn't, they fired and she went bang.
Как смертница пыталась взорвать блок-пост в Грозном. pic.twitter.com/0NlYI9Upqk— Рустем Адагамов (@adagamov) 18 November 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/18/2018 05:00:00 PM |

Labels: Chechnya, Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad

Israel: Female soldiers left behind after patrol are attacked by Palestinians.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/18/2018 03:00:00 PM |

Labels: Common-sense, IDF, Israel

UK: Mohammed and gang jailed for 101 years over child rapes.
(Rotherham) Six men have received a collective jail sentence of 101 years for sexually exploiting five teenage girls. Sheffield crown court how the
group targeted the vulnerable schoolgirls, using drugs and alcohol to rape and
sexually assault their victims between 1998 and 2005. One girl was forced by
her parents to have an abortion when she was about 14 after being raped by a group
of men in a forest. Another said she had been exploited by “100 Pakistani men” by the age of 16.
![]() |
Clockwise from top left: Iqlak Yousaf, Nabeel Kurshid, Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar, Tanweer Ali, Salah Ahmed El-Hakam and Asif Al |
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/18/2018 02:18:00 PM |

Labels: child abuse, Islamic rape, Woman's rights

Friday, November 16, 2018
Interlude: Nancy Sinatra & Dean Martin : Things
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/16/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Saturday, November 10, 2018
Somalia: Terrorist attack on Hotel kills 53 ,injures 100.
(Mogadishu) The number of people killed when terrorists targeted a hotel
in Somalia’s capital with 4 suicide bombs has risen to 53 from the initial 22,
with over 100 injured.
The blasts, which occurred within minutes of each other, targeted Mogadishu's Sahafi Hotel and its surroundings. The hotel is near the headquarters of the Somali Police Force's Criminal Investigations Department (CID). These were followed by four terrorists who entered the hotel and proceeded to the roof, firing down on people below. Security forces eventually killed the assailants and rescued dozens of people from hotel rooms. The Islamic terror group al-Shabab has claimed responsibility.
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/10/2018 04:37:00 PM |

Friday, November 9, 2018
Australia: Mohamed goes on stabbing spree in Shopping area
(Melbourne) 31 year old Somalian immigrant Mohamed Khalif decided to repay the Australian people for taking in his family as asylum seekers by crashing a car full of gas cylinders on Melbourne's Bourke street, setting it on fire and then proceeded to go on a Friday Allah ackba stabbing spree injuring 3 people before he was shot dead by police.
For some very strange reason, the Police in Australia unlike the British ones have declared this a terrorist incident , funny enough the bBC is still referring to the dead terrorist as a…suspect
Funny enough Mohammed 21 year old brother was Ali was arrested a year ago last Nov over a planned bombing campaign also in Melbourne. In the entire family are know to the police for their jihadist links.1 killed, 2 injured as a knife-wielding man went on a rampage in a busy street in central #Melbourne. It is reported that the man burned a car before starting the attack— RT (@RT_com) November 9, 2018
DETAILS: https://t.co/ihrPVuxaMA pic.twitter.com/RJkVFm9ypN
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/09/2018 08:15:00 AM |

Interlude: Danny and The Juniors - At The Hop
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/09/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Friday, November 2, 2018
Interlude:Dave Clark Five - Glad All Over
Posted by pounce_uk at 11/02/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music