(Baghdad) Linda Wenzel the 17 year old Geman who buggered off to Iraq in which to live a pure Islamic life under ISIS has just received a 6 year prison sentence .
Linda, from Pulsnitz in Saxony, told her German interviewers
she had been unhappy at school, despite being the third best in her class, and
had sought another life. She had formed a friendship with a Muslim man on
Facebook for whom she had converted to Islam. One day in 2016 she left a note
on the kitchen table saying: “I’ll be back on Sunday about 4pm.” She travelled
via Turkey to Syria and then Iraq, and married an "Islamic State" (IS)
terrorist and there she lived a lovely life of beheadings and jihad, until the
world said enough and kicked ISIS into the gutter, resulting in Linda doing a runner
with the rest of the ISIS camp followers in trying to run back home to the west
, however for Linda she was arrested
last year by Special Forces in Mosul.
- In Germany, everyone knows me, everyone knows how I look. I cannot go anywhere without being recognized, and I probably won't find a job anymore."
- "I don't know how I came up with such a dumb idea. I've completely ruined my life."
- "I was only in houses, so I've never really had anything to do with guns, nothing at all."
It appears she had no problem hating the
west this was exemplified by the messages she sent to her
family. When her ISIS husband was killed,, she wrote to her mother: “He is dead
because of you, because your taxes paid for the bombs here.” She also paid
tribute to Anis Amri, the Tunisian asylum seeker who drove a lorry into a
Christmas market in Berlin killing 12. Not only that but she has admitted to killing Iraqi soldiers
Thankfully this silly little bitch wasn't in court in the West, but in an Islamic one (Iraq) which is why today she received 5 years for belonging to ISIS and another year for entering the country illegally.
Expect a campaign by the dogooders in which to bring this Islamic Nazis home. The thing is ISIS features was lucky in getting 6 years at the same hearing a Turkish woman was sentence to death with another 11 getting life.
Expect a campaign by the dogooders in which to bring this Islamic Nazis home. The thing is ISIS features was lucky in getting 6 years at the same hearing a Turkish woman was sentence to death with another 11 getting life.
allmobitools · 294 weeks ago