(Paris) Last week, on the music competition reality TV show “The
Voice,” 22 year old Mennel Ibtissem, a student from the French town of Besancon
and of Syrian descent, won over the entire country with her rendition of
Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”
However her social media history came back to haunt her:
A day after the terrorist attack in Nice on Bastille Day 2016, when Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a Tunisian resident of the city, ran over celebrants who had come to watch fireworks on the promenade, killing 86 people and wounding hundreds of others, she opined that the attack was a “conspiracy”... “It has become routine, an attack every week,” she wrote. “And always, rest assured, they never forget to take their ID card.” For that post she used the hashtag #PrenezNousPourDesCons, meaning “they treat us like idiots.”
"The real terrorist is our government"
"I've never meant to hurt anyone and the idea that I would do it on purpose pains me a lot. [I'll] keep spreading my message of peace and tolerance, far from all types of fanaticism."
This open hatred for anything that isn't a minority in the West, is there for all to see, yet a simple sorry and a cry that they are the real victim here, allows them to squirt ink in our faces like the cephalopods (spineless) they are, in which to allow them to scuttle up the nearest warm dark hole they can find. The left remain silent, yet can you imagine the outrage if this had been President Trump? Exactly.