Saturday, September 20, 2014

Syrian terrorists execute Lebanese hostage

(Syria) Al Nusra Front, one of the Islamic terrorist groups which invaded Lebanon last month after one of its leaders was arrested by the Lebanese army on trying to enter the country on a bit of R&R, have decided to execute one of the 30 plus hostages they crawled back across the border with, in which to terrorise the Lebanese people and to pressure the Lebanese government to hand over those Islamic terrorists they captured in Lebanon. (Something about taking control of the town of Arsal by the use of the bullet and the bomb, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people.)

This is why the Lebanese Army soldier Mohammad Maarouf Hammieh (a Shia no less) was murdered by his so called (Sunni) Islamic brothers. Isn't Islam, the so called religion of peace, great? Oh, hang on, before anybody corrects me that I don't know anything about the true meaning of Islam, that Islam means peace and that these people are not Muslims. As an apostate from Islam, what would I know, eh?