Tuesday, September 9, 2014

University of Illinois Palestinian professor, sacked for his unprofessional tweets, demands he is given his job back

(Illinois) American-born Steven Salaita, a professor of Jordanian and Palestinian parents at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, was sacked the other week due to his open (and very public) hostility towards Israel.  Has demanded — yes, demanded — that the university reinstate him, by defending his vapid tweets against everybody bar Islamic terrorists by citing free speech and academic freedom.

However, the university said it was standing by its decision to withdraw Steven Salaita's professorship over his pro-Palestine, anti-Israel (and anti-American) racist tweets which it has said were uncivil and demeaning.

So what did Steven Salaita tweet which the University found offensive?

Anybody else notice the typical Arab not-one-word-of-condemnation about ISIS, Syria, Iraq, Yemen?

Seeing as he hates the US so much, I wonder if he will move lock stock and barrel to the Middle East. Nah, typical left-wing prick, happy to bitch from the sidelines.