Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Liberal Europe hasn't an answer to combat Putin's Russia

(EU) For years, the left in Europe berated the USA for defending them. Yes, the leaders of today were all card carrying members of whatever anti-US group was in vogue.

Take for example the EU's Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton. Only a few years back, she worked for and fully supported CND, you know, that Soviet Union funded protest group which campaigned (and still does) for the West to get rid of its nukes. The silly twats even invited the Iranian ambassador a few years back to talk about... nuclear disarmament.

Well, now that the left are fully in control of the EU, they've found out the hard way that actually the meek will not inherit the Earth and that years of pissing off the Americans has paid dividends with Obama not really giving a shit about Europe (or America for that matter).

In Wales this week, NATO is holding a conference, and guess what, the left are protesting about... NATO. Not Russia, not Syria, not ISIS, not Nigeria, but... NATO.

Putin isn't stupid and he knows all he has to do is grab as much land as possible in the Ukraine (a corridor to the Crimea), then sit down, say he was sorry, and the liberals in Europe, thankful it hasn't come to war, will pat everybody on the back for a job well done, and utter:
"Peace for our time!"
Funny thing is, the last time somebody came back from the East after talking to a megalomaniac of a dictator, that dictator invaded Poland a few months later. They had a word for it then - appeasement.