Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Iran starts fielding ballistic anti-ship missiles

(Tehran) The US Department of Defense's annual report to Congress on the Islamic Republic's military capabilities claims that Iran has started fielding ballistic anti-ship missiles. According to a declassified sections of the report:
"Tehran is quietly fielding increasingly lethal symmetric and asymmetric weapon systems, including more advanced naval mines, small but capable submarines, coastal defence cruise missile batteries, attack craft, and anti-ship ballistic missiles,"
The Khalij Fars is a single-stage solid-propellant, supersonic anti-ship quasi ballistic missile with a range of 300 km based on the Fateh-110 missile. It is equipped with a 650 kg explosive warhead and an interception evading guidance system with an electro-optical (EO) seeker that enables it to home in on a ship's infrared signature in its terminal phase.

It will be interesting to see if the US military is simply using this to increase its budget. I mean the Iranians are known for their bombastic claims, and the missile is based on the Russian Frog 7 missile which first saw the light of day in 1965.