Friday, September 5, 2014

British ISIS jihadists want to come home, say they made ‘mistake’

(London) It transpires that around 30 British jihadists, who felt it was an Islamic duty to die for Allah in Syria and Iraq fighting the kuffer, don't like doing it without their creature comforts: iPhone, TV, hot water, not getting beheaded or even blown up from the air.

Yeah, it appears that these so called fluffy bunny wannabe terrorists, like bullies everywhere, are more than happy to rape, pillage and kill when they are the biggest boys on the block. But since the US started striking down from above, these idiots who revelled in striking fear into others by demanding their pray upwards towards their god for help, are now having to pray upwards towards their own god in which to stay alive.

However, these people terrorists have a problem. It seems that they fear returning to the UK, with one dickhead opining to the media:
‘It’s not what we came for but if we go back (to Britain) we will go to jail. Right now, we are being forced to fight – what option do we have?’
Hang on, let me get this straight: idiots who go abroad to wage war and claim they are willing to die for the cause are put off coming back to the UK, as they fear getting... jailed?

Professor Peter Neumann of King’s College, who spoke to the above jihadist, said British extremists want to quit but feel trapped by Britain’s hardline stance. He states that the Government should set up a ‘deradicalisation’ program for former jihadists wanting to return to the UK. He finishes with:
‘The people we have been talking to … want to quit but feel trapped because all the Government is talking about is locking them up for 30 years.’
My heart bleeds...