Friday, August 8, 2014

US strikes ISIS and drops food for Christians

(Iraq) A few years ago, the US, UK and France couldn't bomb Libya fast enough in which to prevent Gaddafi from wiping the city of Benghazi from the map because it was home to Islamist jihaists. The result - utter chaos, as those very same terrorists paid back Obama by attacking the US embassy.

Yet, it has taken the US almost a month to take action against ISIS, because under the Muslim-in-chief, the US has baulked from taking action, scared of how the liberal world will react to the US dropping bombs in Iraq.

Well, with the possible eradication of Christianity from the Middle East, due to having a lawyer in charge at the White House, the US has dropped a couple of 500lb bombs in which to tell those naughty ISIS Muslims to please leave those nasty Christians alone.

What makes this even worse, is the UK under that prick Cameron will drop food, but not do anything else in which to offend the British Muslim population.

Hello, there are over 50,000 people on the verge of death at the hands of the most bigoted religious thugs seen in a long while, and the liberals of the West feel that dropping a few food parcels is all that has to be done.

Meanwhile in the West, protests abound against Israel, but funny enough, not one is being made regarding ISIS.