Sunday, August 24, 2014

Operation Protective Edge: Day 48

(JPost) The air force struck Hamas operative Muhammad Al-Aoul in northern Gaza on Sunday, the latest senior member of the organization targeted in recent days.

Army sources described him as a key figure in Hamas's finances division.

Al-Aoul was hit in the strike, though his condition was not immediately known.

(INN) The IDF on Sunday assassinated another Hamas leader, Mohammed al-Ghoul, who was responsible for transferring funds to the terrorist organization and was the "Justice Minister" in the Hamas government.

The pinpoint airstrike in northern Gaza took out al-Ghoul, confirmed the IDF. Palestinian Arab reports have confirmed the appraisal, saying al-Ghoul was killed in an airstrike on his car.

In pictures circulating in the Arab reports of al-Ghoul's ruined car the Hamas leader's body can clearly be seen. Likewise, numerous wads of US dollars can be seen inside the burning car, money that presumably was on its way to fund terror attacks.

IDF spokesperson Major Arye Shalicar told AFP that al-Ghoul "was an important Hamas actor who dealt with transferring funds to build terror infrastructure in Gaza, such as tunnels, and was a key target."

Al-Ghoul was the contact person for the 2009 Goldstone report which accused Israel of "war crimes" in Operation Cast Lead, before Judge Richard Goldstone later retracted that core accusation of the report.

(INN) Security Cabinet member and Finance Minister Yair Lapid has warned that Hamas's political leadership - including those based abroad - are not "immune" from bearing the consequences of continued rocket and mortar fire against Israeli civilians.

Speaking just before a Security Cabinet meeting Sunday morning, Lapid referred to the murder of four-year Daniel Turgeman in a mortar attack on southern Israel, saying Israel "would not tolerate" the targeting of its children by Islamist terrorists.

"The funeral of four-year-old Daniel Turgeman is something that we are not able and do not need to bear or suffer," he said. "Four-year-old children should go to kindergarten or to the swimming pool, not to a funeral procession."

"Those responsible for his death will pay the price," Lapid vowed. "Hamas's leaders need to know that we will pursue them, and we will cause them to pay the price for what is happening in the south of the State of Israel."

"No one is immune - not the political leadership, and not the leadership abroad," he said.

Until now Israel has largely avoided targeting Hamas's "political" leadership, focusing on commanders and personnel from its "military wing", the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades. On Thursday, Israel succeeded in killing three of its "most wanted" Hamas terrorists in a strike targeting senior al-Qassam Brigades commanders.

Iron Dome intercepts rocket fired toward Jerusalem

The Iron Dome defense system intercept a rocket fired from Gaza toward the Jerusalem area on Sunday night, the IDF confirmed. No injuries or damage were initially reported.