Monday, August 4, 2014

Is the media lying about that primarily civilian death toll in Gaza?

(Gaza) How many times have you read something like this?
"Health officials in Gaza say 1,800 Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed since the conflict with Israel escalated on 8 July."
With headlines like that, no wonder the world is up in arms over Israeli action. But hang on, is the above statement true? Here is how Al Jazeera is reporting the above:

1,815 minus 401 children, minus 238 women and 74 elderly men comes in at... 1,102 who can only be men of a certain age.

Now, if after 3 weeks of heavy bombardment by a military power on a densely populated area with no where to run only (and I don't mean that lightly) manage to kill 1,815 people (look up the damage one 1,000 lb bomb can do) of which 1,102 fit the bracket of gun bearing males, then do you think, like I do, that there is a little selective news reporting here?

I mean, let's be honest, while the media promote this view that only civilians are getting killed inside Gaza, have you seen one picture of a gun totting terrorist on the street? No? Me neither. It seems that in order to perpetuate this myth that only civilians are getting killed, Hamas has put in place an edict to the world's media not to air footage of their terrorists, which would result in the world seeing them for what they really are... blood thirsty terrorists. BTW, sometimes the Hamas censors miss. Have a look at this picture Watcher posted. Have a look under that blue sign in the middle - notice 3 armed men dressed in black.