Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Minnesota: 30 Islamic workers walk out over company's dress code

This is why religion has to be kept out of the work place.

(USA)  Islamic workers at a Minnesota food company walked out in protest over new rules regarding clothing. It seems the company banned long skirts after an incident a fortnight ago when the skirt of an employee got caught in a boot washer (required due to health and safety). In the aftermath of said incident, the company decreed that skirts could be no longer than the knee.

As we all know, safety at work is paramount in the West and litigation is a nightmare for employers. So I am a little surprised at how Somali Muslims working for Dianne's Fine Desserts are playing the victim card for not being allowed to cover-up. Yup, according to them, this is all about Islamophobia (that invented word) and is simply a pretext to get rid of Islamic workers. The best part for me was this snippet from a striking worker:
“We’re talking with them about ways that we can be held responsible for our safety,” Abdilahi said. “We know there’s no problem with the quality of our work, and we want to continue working there.”
Yeah, right. Can you imagine the lawsuit if one of these workers gets injured? Funny enough, CAIR and ACLU have started sticking their huge noses into the story.