Monday, February 13, 2012

The ObamaDog

From Boortz:
To paper train the ObamaDog simply put down a copy of the U.S. Constitution. The ObamaDog will pee and poop all over it.
The ObamaDog likes to hump Chris Matthews’ leg. Hence the tingle.
The ObamaDog won’t hunt. He waits to get his fair share from a hunting dog.
The ObamaDog won’t bark without a teleprompter.
The female ObamaDog has a very stout rear end and eats veggies. The male ObamaDog is painfully thin, with big ears, and always looks down its snout at other dogs.
The ObamaDog has big ears and barks out of its ass.
The ObamaDog won the Westminster “Best in Show” by simply being entered, with no previous dog show experience.
The ObamaDog is the perennial winner in the Dog and Crony Show.