Wednesday, February 8, 2023

US: Evaluates new 12” miniature strike munition for drone

(Washington) News has come out that the US Military has started evaluating a small 12 inch, 6 pound strike munition for use by UAVs.  

Fitted with Lazer and GPS guidance which affords it the ability to change direction (And Target) such a small munition affords the US military with a cost effective weapon which will allow them to support Units out on the ground with top cover quicker than waiting for artillery fire missions, with the added bonus that due to the sheer small size, collateral damage will also be much smaller.

Interestingly when Orbital ATK first revealed the Hatchet in 2018, the US military couldn’t see a home for the mini weapon , but it appears the war in the Ukraine, where mini USVs have really shone, has changed the mind of the US top brass.