Since the advent of social media every once and a while somebody comes out with a so called challenge that beggars belief. The current craze is the Keke challenge where you jump out of a moving car and dance alongside it. For oblivious reasons, the authorities are clamping down on on this f-ing stupid dance craze.
Friday, July 27, 2018
World: Latest social media fad for idiots, keke
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/27/2018 08:59:00 AM |

Labels: Common-sense, Stupid twats

Germany: Egyptian who has lived in Berlin for 15 years, says he didn't know it was wrong to masturbate in public.
(Berlin) This week 29 year old Ally E an Egyptian migrant who arrived in Germany at the age of 14 was in the dock for the sexual harassment of 13 women on Berlins Public transport between April 2015 and Feb 2018. The charges he faces are:
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Ally E hiding his face, but not his belly in court. |
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/27/2018 03:00:00 AM |

Labels: Germany, Islamic intolerance, Islamic lies

Interlude: Miss 600: Hello
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/27/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, July 26, 2018
Spain: Using shit bombs, quicklime and flamethrowers, 800 migrants storm the border fence.
Which is why today 800 fit young men decided to storm the border fence and in order to keep the long arm of the law off them long enough whilst their cut their way through the fence and into Spain proper they used shit bombs, quicklime bombs and makeshift flame throwers. On crossing the border they were taken by the Spanish to temporary accommodation before being shipped across to the mainland.
What is it with socialists and other peoples lives and money?
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/26/2018 10:00:00 PM |

Labels: illegal immigration, left-wing lunacy, Socialism, Spain

Kuwait: How Muslims use religion to silence critics.
(Kuwait city) In February this year the body of Filipino maid Joanna Demafelis was found inside a freezer in
Kuwait. She had been reported missing
last year and her employers were arrested in Damascus, where they had fled
hoping to evade justice. Joannas dreadful murder exposed the dreadful
conditions that Filipinos face in the Middle East resulting in the Philippines
banning its citizens working in the country. The abuse that foreign workers face across the ME is down to
how the Muslim states operate. Where domestic workers are employed under a
sponsorship system that gives employers the right to keep their passports and
exercise full control over their stay. Rights groups say this leaves workers
across the region open to exploitation and abuse.
“How can you have a servant at home who keeps their own passport with them? What’s worse is they have one day off every week,.. “If they run away and go back to their country, who will refund me? Honestly I disagree with this law. I don’t want a Filipino maid any more.”
“A foreign media campaign” designed to attack Islam, the hijab, Kuwait and the wider Gulf region. Of course I did not have to offer any apology, because I was telling the truth. Keeping a domestic worker’s passport is deemed an enslavement and racism [by these people]. Why judge me [over keeping] my worker’s passport, with the aim of ensuring my safety? These people express more outrage over my remarks than they have over humanitarian crises and massacres in Syria, Iraq and Gaza. Are these humanitarian values?”
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/26/2018 07:08:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance, Kuwait

UK: MP receives police protection after receiving death threats after saying pakistani men are raping white girls
(Rotherham) For years Pakistani men all over the Uk have been grooming and raping little white girls . The authorities not wishing to be seen as racists turned a blind eye to this cultural and religious penchant for paedophilia . In fact in a large number of cases anybody who spoke out was instantly silenced. one such example was the hate monger 'Tommy Robinson' of EDL fame who was met with incredibility by the BBCs Jeremy Paxman when he stated in 2012 that Muslim gangs were raping white girls on an industrial scale.
However this character assassination and silencing of anybody who dare speak out about the peccadilloes of the religion of peace was rent asunder when Rotherham council applied for an injunction to stop Times reporter Andrew Norfolk from publishing the full account of the murder of a 17 year old Laura Wilson who was stabbed 40 times by her Pakistani lover and thrown into a canal after she had a child to him and presented the child to his parents. The council lost, but Norfolk found that the council had hidden the men's ethnicity in the report it was forced to release. A little more delving by him revealed that grooming of white girls in Rotherham was much bigger than anybody (bar the council) had realised and his findings resulted in a government investigation which found that over 1400 white girls had been groomed and violently raped by Pakistani gangs in the city of Rotherham alone over a period of years resulting in the jailing of 29 Pakistani men so far and with more cases to follow. Not only that but by addressing Rotherham other police forces who had also covered up the sexual mores of their Pakistani communities started arresting and charging Islamic paedophiles in their areas.
Last year the female Labour MP for Rotherham Sarah Champion wrote an article for the media under the title:
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/26/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: double standards, Islamic intolerance, Islamic rape, Islamization, Multiculturalism, Snowflakes, Socialism, UK

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Denmark: Imam charged with calling for Muslims to 'fight and kill the Jews
Funny enough the mosque is known for its jihadi mindset and just before the terror attacks that struck the Danish capital in feb 2015 which saw 2 people murdered and 5 policemen injured, the mosque. The day before the shooting released a press statement regards interfaith relations between jews and Muslim ,where Imam Hajj Saeed rejected any thought of interfaith dialogue, and noted that the Prophet Muhammad waged war against his Jewish neighbours rather than engage in dialogue.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/25/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: Anti-Semitism, Denmark, Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad

UK: Kahn jailed for 4 years for raping daughter and fathering 3 children
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/25/2018 09:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance, Islamic rape, UK, Womans rights

UK: Khan couldn't be bothered to ditch her boyfriend, so she had him murdered.
(London) Fatima Khan of Ilford East London had a problem, you see as a so called pious Muslim she wasn't allowed to be near an unrelated man until she was wed. Unlike most girls with secret boyfriends, she had two and she was quite happy to play them off agaisnt each other.
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Fatima Khan |
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Murdered Afghan asylum seeker Khalid Safi, , |
"This is what happens when you fuck with me"She then left. She didn't report anything to the police or her family. Until somebody who knew the dead boy and her were an item contacted the police a week later. Initially she claimed she didn't say anything as she was in shock, however the stupid cow filmed herself with her parents that evening and she was anything bar shocked.
When the question of the film clip came out, she denied it, feeling safe in the knowledge that it no longer existed. unfortunately for her, somebody saved it and in court this week, that was used to find her guilty of murder most foul. She will be sentenced at the end of the month.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/25/2018 07:04:00 PM |

Labels: Multiculturalism, Murder, UK

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
UK: 3 year old child attacked with acid in store.
(Worcester) On Sunday the UK was shocked to hear about an acid attack in a store in the Midlands. As this is the politically correct Uk, pictures were aired of the men who attacked the child and everybody passed comment on how evil the British have become .
Well, what do you know, it has now been revealed that the child is an Afghan, whose mother (Afghan also) left her abusive husband (Also Afghan) of 11 years and was placed in a safe house 30 miles away. He spotted the child in a newspaper and recognised his wife who had taken to not wearing her burka after the split. He paid for a gang of Eastern European thugs to maim his wife, however the acid they threw missed her and ended up dousing the child. (or so they say)
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/24/2018 08:52:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, left-wing lunacy, Multiculturalism, UK, Womans rights

Israel. IDF shoots down Syrian Su 24 Strike aircraft.
(Jerusalem) The IDF have announced that they have shot down a Syrian regime SU 24 strike aircraft which entered its airspace today. It appears the IDF began tracking the aircraft after it took off from the T4 airbase and as it approached Israel, warnings were given in numerous languages, but the aircraft continued on its flight path. After it penetrated Israeli airspace, 2 Patriot missiles were launched at it . The Su 24 was hit and fell into the the Syrian part of the Golan heights. The pilot Colonel Umran Mare was killed , with the fate of the second pilot who managed to eject, still unknown.
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Syrian Su 24 |
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/24/2018 12:31:00 PM |

Labels: Israel, Syria, Weapons news

Monday, July 23, 2018
Canada: Toronto gunman named as....Faisal Hussain
(Toronto) So the gunman who opened up on diners in Toronto on Sunday evening killing a woman and a 10 year old girl has now being named by the Canadian Police as 29 year old Faisal Hussain. The Ontario Special Investigations Unit (SIU) said it was
releasing his name due "to the exceptional circumstances of this tragic
incident". Really ,exceptional circumstances , more like they found they couldn't cover up the fact exactly who he was, which is why , it is now being reported that he had mental-health issues. Anybody else becoming sick to death regards how the western authorities now tag each and every incident regards a member of the religion of peace as somebody with mental health issues. Its as if they cannot accept the fact that jihad is for real , and go well out of their way to cover it up.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/23/2018 07:42:00 PM |

Labels: Canada, Islamic intolerance, Multiculturalism, Political Correctness

Mali: Gunfight leaves 11 terrorists dead
On Friday, near the border with Niger, armed terrorists decided to attack a village killing 20 people simply because they can.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/23/2018 10:00:00 AM |

Afghanistan: Gunmen open fire inside mosque, 4 killed.
Which is why yesterday a gun totting idiot walked into a mosque in the Afghan district of Surkh Rod.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/23/2018 09:00:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, Terrorism

Nigeria: Suicide bomber kills 8 inside Mosque
Boko Haram the terrorist outfit behind the spate of terrorist acts in the region are a group demanding Sharia law be implemented across Nigeria and are willing to murder, death kill in which to achieve their aim. The thing is Nigeria is a country split in two religiously. In the northern half where Islam dominates, the states subscribe to Sharia law, in the south where Christianity prevails, common sense is the order of the day and yet not happy with how the areas run under Sharia also contain the poorest and most unhealthy areas, the idiots at Boko Haram want to spread the scourge of Islam onto others and are happy to murder as many Muslims as possible in which to get Christians to submit to their tyrannical rule.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/23/2018 07:00:00 AM |

Labels: Boko Haram, Nigeria, Suicide Bombing

Somalia: Man whose daughter bled to death after FGM, defends his actions
“The people in the area are content with it [FGM], her mother consented to it,” he said, adding, “We have seen the effects but it’s a culture in the country we live in.”
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/23/2018 05:21:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic denial, Murder, Somalia, Womans rights

Friday, July 20, 2018
Interlude: Men At Work - Down Under
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/20/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, July 19, 2018
Austria: Turkish asylum seeker goes on rampage attacking Jews.
(Wien) A 24 year old Turkish asylum seeker has been arrested after he went on a violent rampage targeting only jews. According to the police, the man has mental health issues and was trying to scrounge a cigarette. The thing is how does attacking three men wearing Jewish clothing and whilst trying to make his escape a woman fall into that category.
"Oh he has mental health issues"Each and every-time, there's an attack by somebody belong to a so called religion of peace.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/19/2018 10:00:00 PM |

Labels: Anti-Semitism, Austria, Islamic intolerance

Jonathan Pie: Tells it how it is about identity politics
I was sent this by a mate tonight on Whats-app. Enjoy:
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/19/2018 09:02:00 PM |

Labels: Telling it how it is

Friday, July 13, 2018
Interlude: The Mavericks - Dance The Night Away
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/13/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, July 12, 2018
Germany: Police arrest and attack American victim of Anti-Semitic attack in mistake.
(Bonn) So on Wednesday a 50
year old Jewish-American philosophy
professor from the US University of Baltimore whilst walking in the Bonner
Hofgarten (park) was attacked by a 20 year old German with Palestinian roots for being Jewish, after he noticed him wearing a kippah during the attack he screamed
" No Jews in Germany"Whilst the Professor gave chase, the police were called. On their arrival they noticed a man running after somebody so they arrested him, the problem was they arrested the wrong man, when he struggled, they subdued him by punching him in the face. They only realised their mistake when the person who called the police informed them of their error.
For some very strange reason, the police knew about the Palestinian assailant and he was picked up not long after and as is the case now in Europe, he has been placed in a physiatrist clinic. (it appears that across Europe rather than admit that certain people are nasty pieces of work (Anti- Semitic, Terrorism etc) they know throw them in a loony bin so as to write off their religion inspired hatred of non-Muslims as a mental disorder.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/12/2018 09:19:00 PM |

Labels: Anti-Semitism, Germany

Friday, July 6, 2018
Germany: Chechen asylum-seekers play the race card after getting arrested over violence with Afghans.
A Chechen man suffered knife wounds during a fight that broke out at a sports field and several others suffered head wounds. Later on in the hospital, the fighting between the groups continued when a Chechen swung a fire extinguisher at an Afghan man's head.
- They stated that those arrested had their trousers and shoes taken off of them
- They didn’t have their shoes returned to them, when they visited the toilet.
- They claim that the Police refused to give water to detainees who needed to take medication, and appeared to punish those who requested it.
- And that during the raid on the asylum-seeker centre the following day, police threatened a woman with a weapon in front of her children, causing one of her daughters to now "panic" when she sees police officers.
- They also complained about their accommodation wasn’t fit to live in (despite the fact that rent paying Germans live in the same block)
- They then demanded that all the Chechen families be accommodated in new accommodation.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/06/2018 03:00:00 AM |

Labels: asylum seekers, Germany

Interlude: The Carpenters - Jambalaya (On The Bayou)
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/06/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, July 5, 2018
Turkey: How Islam is used to silence Islamic critics
(Ankara) The other-day the Turkish government issued a proposal regards reintroducing the death penalty for instances of child abuse.
“If the death penalty were a solution, then Medina would not be breaking records for rapes! Don’t make me talk about this! Leave this to scientists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and lawyers all together to come up with the solution,”
“insulting the people’s religious values”She replied to her detractors with:
“I did not say a single word against Islam, why would I say something against my own religion? Am I mad? I talked about Medina as a city. Arabs are not holy, we are not Arabs, and Arabia is not our soil… If I said there was a lot of theft in Sultanahmet would I be swearing at the (Sultanahmet) mosque?”
- “Some of the biggest corporations who are supporting the Conservative Party are Zionists. They are responsible for the murder of the people in Grenfell, in those towers in Grenfell. The Zionist supporters of the Tory Party. Free, Free, Palestine…It is the Zionists who give money to the Tory Party to kill people in high-rise blocks. Free, Free, Palestine. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
- “Careful of those Rabbis who belong to the Board of Deputies, who have got blood on their hands, who agree with the killing of British soldiers. Do not allow them in your centres.”
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/05/2018 09:14:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, left-wing lunacy, Turkey

Philippines: Army foils bid by Islamic terrorists to capture another town.
(Datu Paglas) The Filipino armed forces have foiled a plot by the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters (BIFF) to take over a town and then fight to the death in which to ensure it costs the government (In lives, money and prestige) to take back the town thus increasing the pressure on Manilla to allow the Island of Mindanao to cede from empire and become a pure Islamic state.
The army moved after BIFF started setting up for the takeover of the town by laying up booby traps and IEDs around the town and having their members mingle with the locals. Having learnt the hard way regards fighting Islamic terrorists in Marawi city last year which saw over 1000 people killed , over 1 million people displaced and the destruction of the city over a period of 5 months, they went in hard using armoured vehicles, infantry mortars with the air-force carrying out airstrikes in which to rid the town of the BIFF terrorists. So far 5 of these thugs have been reported killed with another 4 injured.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/05/2018 07:56:00 AM |

Labels: Philippines, Terrorism

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Holland: Asks Kurds to release 3 ISIS women, so they can make their own way to Dutch consulate.
(Amsterdam) After the fall of ISIS caliphate , thousands of ISIS terrorists were captured by the Kurds, Iraqis and Syrians. Amongst these have been found hundreds of European based Muslims who decided to migrate to the Levant in which to help carve out a pure Islamic state, usually by oppressing and murdering the locals. The problem now for these western governments is what to do with these blood thirsty religious bigots who are currently being painted as innocent victims by the ethical latte drinkers out there.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/04/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: ISIS, left-wing lunacy, Netherlands, Stupid twats

Somalia: 20 terrorists killed when they picked on the wrong army camp to attack.
(Mogadishu) Whilst the Islamic terror 'Al Shabab no longer controls the country, they still have the penchant for mischief which they carry out now and again . One of their tactics is to mass armed thugs near an isolated army base, send in a car bomb in which to soften up the defences and claim victory over how many people thy managed to kill.
Which is why last night a large number of allah uttering thugs armed with guns snook up on an army base in the middle of nowhere in the village of Muse Haji (Lower Juba region) and sent in their suicide bomber to do his stuff. Problem is , he was shot dead before he could utter 'Allah ackba' and go out with a bang and so when the religious bigots with guns started their attack, rather than a jumping all over a bunch of disorientated of soldiers they were met with a fusillade of weapons fire from soldiers manning their positions ready for bear.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/04/2018 08:40:00 PM |

Sunday, July 1, 2018
Germany: Deutsche Marine has a slight mishap whilst firing a missile
(Berlin) The German military hasn't received much good press of late due to its current very poor state of affairs:
4) Found over 100 extremists within its ranks
5) Has to replace all its assault weapons as its current weapon can shoot when hot.
6) Has decided to replace its Tornado strike aircraft with the 5th gen Typhoon rather than the 6th gen F35
7) In May out of 128 Typhoon fighter aircraft , Germany could only field 4 (yes 4) working aircraft.
Well the architect behind all of the above (and a lot more) is Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen
Well we can add another to the above list regards to the poor state of the German military under the leadership of von der Leyen when the FGS Sachsen, the first of four Type 124 air defence frigates in German Navy service, attempting to launch a Standard SM-2 air defence missile saw the damn thing thing explode in front of the bridge injuring 2 sailors.
data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en-gb">
Footage has emerged of the Jun 21 SM-2 SAM misfire aboard the #Germany Navy vessel Sachsen (F219) (minor German language warning!)— Joseph Dempsey (@JosephHDempsey) 27 June 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/01/2018 04:18:00 PM |

Labels: Germany

Holland: Meanwhile off the coast
I came across this and found it rather amusing regards the Dutch Navy Submarine HNLMS Zeeleeuw
Zr. Ms. Zeeleeuw 😊— Wendy van Brussel (@BrusselWendy) June 30, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/01/2018 12:00:00 PM |

Labels: Netherlands

Mali: Car bomb attack on French convoy kills 4
This attack comes just 2 days after a suicide attack on the Mali headquarters of a regional Sahel force known as G5 killed two soldiers and a civilian.
Posted by pounce_uk at 7/01/2018 11:09:00 AM |

Labels: Mali