(The Scotsman) POLICE are investigating the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children in Scotland by men from ethnic minorities in cases that bear striking similarities to the organised abuse of youngsters in Rotherham, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.
Detectives have launched two operations into the abuse of vulnerable teenagers, some of whom absconded from children’s homes, in Glasgow.
The first, Operation Cotswold, set up in 2011, focused on a group of Middle Eastern asylum seekers in the north of the city. At least 26 potential victims were identified and files were sent to the procurator-fiscal, but no prosecutions were brought.
It is understood vulnerable young girls were found in the home of one or more suspects, but many identified as at risk did not see themselves as victims and were reluctant to co-operate, making it difficult to gather evidence and get the case to court.
In February 2013, after Operation Cotswold ended, the police launched Operation Dash, a broader attempt to root out child sexual exploitation (CSE) across the Strathclyde police area. Officers worked in partnership with the charity Barnardo’s Scotland to gather intelligence.
Scotland on Sunday understands that, as a result, a number of fast-food outlets and taxi services were linked to CSE and a number of suspected perpetrators, many Asian, were targeted in a criminal investigation. Operation Dash is ongoing and there are live proceedings. It is understood at least one case involves multiple alleged offenders.
Detective Chief Superintendent Lesley Boal confirmed: “As a result of [Operation Cotswold] a number of individuals were the subject of investigation and subsequent learning from that operation has informed the further work we have undertaken in the area of CSE.
“Operation Dash remains a live ongoing criminal investigation that has resulted, so far, in 21 persons being reported to COPFS [Crown Office and Procurator-Fiscal Service] in relation to a range of crimes and there are live ongoing criminal proceedings in a number of cases.”
The revelation about CSE in Scotland comes days after a damning report found a blatant failure of police and political leadership had allowed 1,400 girls from Rotherham to be sexually exploited by Asian men over a 16-year-period.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
‘Rotherham-style’ child sex abuse by "a group of Middle Eastern asylum seekers" in Scotland probed
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islam, Islamic rape, Scotlandistan

VIDEO: Insane Palestinian government official on BBC claims Israel 'fabricated' beheading of James Foley, the Holocaust
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 10:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islam, Islamic Jihad

Feds Arrest California Resident Fadi Fadi Dandach Who Allegedly Wanted to Join Islamic State
Feds Arrest 20-Year-Old OC Resident Who Allegedly Wanted to Join Islamic State: A 20-year-old California man i... http://t.co/cumXczvLIu
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 31, 2014

A 20-year-old California man is in Santa Ana Jail in Orange after federal authorities alleged he was planning to fly to Turkey and join the Islamic State (IS), according to the Orange County Register. Adam Dandach, AKA Fadi Fadi Dandach, lives with his mother in Orange, and FBI investigators assert in documents released to the court that Dandach had stated he would “assist ISIS with anything ISIS asked him to do.”
Dandach was arrested July 2 at John Wayne Airport by federal agents. They asserted that he had plans to take a Delta Airlines flight to Turkey, make his way into Syria, and join ISIS. He was arrested for passport fraud and may face additional charges. His mother and his attorney would not comment.
ISIS is recruiting Americans to join their cause; just last week, three Americans died in Syria as members of the terrorist group. Government officials and experts in terrorist activities estimate that at least 100 Americans have left America and joined foreign terrorist movements overseas in recent years.
Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino, said, “It’s a relatively small number of people who are committed to doing mass-casualty attacks.” However, he added that the small number still raises grave concern, saying, “so much of it depends on the luck of those who are thoroughly committed to an attack… ISIS really is trying to take advantage of its recruitment effort to get Western youth who can travel freely.”
The Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are taking the American jihadi problem seriously, urging law enforcement agencies to keep their eyes open for possible attacks catalyzed by U.S. airstrikes on ISIS. The New York Times reported that intelligence and law enforcement officials said Friday that there are roughly twelve Americans in Syria who have joined ISIS.
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 09:40:00 PM |

Labels: ISIS, Islam, Islamic Jihad, US

Germany supplies Kurds with arms
So in order to redress the balance, the German government has decided to arm the Kurds, which is why they are handing over 8,000 G36 rifles, , 8,000 G3 rifles, 6,000,000 rounds, 30 MILAN anti-tank systems, 500 anti-tank missiles, 200 bazookas, 10,000 grenades, and 50 military vehicles.
This comes on top of a previous helping hand where the other day the Germans delivered 4,000 helmets, 4,000 sets of body armour, radios, mine detectors and other tools used by foot soldiers in the field.
Hopefully, this will go a long way in combating the ISIS thugs and ensure that very few return back to Europe.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/31/2014 09:00:00 PM |

Labels: Germany, Iraq, ISIS, Kurds

An ISIS camp for children in Syria
Beheadings, stonings, crucifixion: This is an #ISIS camp for children in Syria: http://t.co/dOE361o3iO pic.twitter.com/V4H9fTsCbS
— Julie Lenarz (@MsIntervention) September 1, 2014
"For 30 days we woke up and jogged, had breakfast, then learned the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet," Mohammed says. "Then we took courses on weapons, Kalashnikovs and other light military stuff."
Some of the militants at the camp were kind, joking and laughing with the younger recruits. Others made the boys watch hideous things.
"They used to bring young [kids] to the camp to lash them," Mohammed says. "When we go to the mosque, they order us to come the next day at a specific time and place to [watch] heads cut off, lashings or stonings."
"We saw a young man who did not fast for Ramadan, so they crucified him for three days, and we saw a woman being stoned [to death] because she committed adultery."
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 08:22:00 PM |

Labels: ISIS, Islam, Islamic Jihad, Syria

You've got to love the reports about the Palestinian "unity"
Hamas 'regrets' Fatah charge its men committed 'ugliest crimes' during war; says Hamas won't be 'dragged into war of words.'
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) August 31, 2014
Report: Fatah's Azzam al-Ahmed and Hamas' Musa Abu Marzouk almost engaged in fistfight during Cairo cease-fire talks - held back by others.
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) August 31, 2014
And the best one:
Top PLO official Zakariya al-Agha: Gaza hospitals refused to receive Fatah men shot in legs by Hamas for violating house arrest during war.
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) August 31, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 07:06:00 PM |

Rotherham: Teenage girls raped by Muslims gave birth to more than 100 babies as abuse victim reveals she fell pregnant TWICE
UK Islamic child sex slaves birthed 100 children
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 31, 2014
(Mirror) Teenage girls raped in the Rotherham child sex abuse scandal gave birth to more than 100 babies.
Scores more children as young as 13 miscarried or were forced to have abortions after attacks by Asian gangs on 1,400 girls.
One victim, who got pregnant TWICE to the same attacker, said: “I was groomed and abused, but the police took no action.”
The vulnerable youngster had an abortion at just 14 when her abuser threatened to have her killed if she gave birth to his baby.
Then he made her pregnant again just six months later – and allowed her to keep her child, but only if she became a Muslim.
Now a mother in her 30s, she told the Sunday Mirror how she was also TWICE failed by police who refused to investigate the attacks on her.
The woman, who we are calling Jane to protect her identity, said: “I know now I was groomed and abused, but back then, I was confused. Now I want to tell my story to help other girls like me. There are so many of us suffering in silence.”
Jane is just one of more than 100 victims who gave birth to their rapists’ babies as 1,400 girls were groomed, abused and raped in the South Yorkshire town from 1997 to 2013.
Some babies were kept by their young mothers while many were forcibly adopted and are now themselves in the care system.
The heartbreaking legacy of the scandal that has left a new generation of children’s lives blighted for ever is revealed deep in the shock independent report into Rotherham published last week.
It stated: “Children had pregnancies, miscarriages and terminations. It is hard to describe what these victims suffered.”
One lawyer representing two victims made pregnant said: “They and their children are permanently damaged.”
Jane told us how she was preyed on while a schoolgirl living with her parents in the South Yorkshire town. Her abuser, in his mid-20s, was cruising in his car looking for potential victims when he spotted the schoolgirl walking in the street alone.
She said: “He chatted me up and I suppose I was flattered. He gave me money and bought me food. He made it feel like we were girlfriend and boyfriend. It got very intense very quickly. My bedroom at home was on the back of the house above a large porch.
“He would climb onto the roof of the porch and sneak through my window. He had sex with me while my mum and dad were asleep in the next room.”
She said: “I found out I was pregnant at school. I took a test in the toilets. My mum cried, saying: ‘My baby can’t raise a baby!’ They wanted me to have an abortion but I wanted to keep it. I thought I was in love.”
When she broke the news to her abuser he told her to get rid of the baby or be murdered. Jane said: “He told me they would do a DNA test and he would be jailed. He said his friends would find me and kill me.”
Jane’s terrified parents went to the police and begged social services for help. But no action was taken.
She said: “I had the abortion and I was put in care to keep us apart. He would drive up and down outside my home. It was like he was stalking me.”
But when Jane was sent to live with foster parents the monster found her and six months later she was pregnant again at 15.
This time her abuser let her keep the child – but told her she would have to become a Muslim. Jane said: “I had to eat what he did, no bacon, and he talked to me about his religion for hours. I remember telling my mum and her sobbing. We all fell out but she and my dad came round and I moved back home a month before my baby girl was born.”
Meanwhile, her abuser, who was prone to jealous rages, ended up in jail for attacking another man. There was no contact between them for two years – then he got in touch with Jane out of the blue asking to see his daughter.
Jane said: “I agreed, but then he started threatening me, saying, ‘I’m going to run you out of town. You little ****ing bitch. I’ll have you shot!”
Jane went on to have a third child by another man and said she only realised she had been groomed two years ago when a social worker explained to her that she had been a victim.
“I found out that I was not the only girl he had abused,” she said. “I threw myself in front of a bus. My social worker took me to the police and I told them everything.” But she was failed again.
Jane said: “The officers told me they didn’t know what he could be charged with. I asked if they could keep me safe
and they said they couldn’t watch me 24 hours a day.”
“They should have taken me out of the area, away from him, right from the start.”
Her heart-rending story is reflected in the report into the Rotherham scandal, written by Professor Alexis Jay. It reveals many other victims conceived during rapes.
Although the report does not give a precise number, the Sunday Mirror understands the figure to be more than 100. Prof Jay wrote: “Some had children removed under care orders and suffered further trauma when contact with their child was terminated.
“However, there were other cases where vulnerable and sometimes very young mothers were able, with long-term support, to recover and successfully care for their children.” Giving a damning verdict on the impact of the abuse, Prof Jay wrote: “Many repeatedly self-harmed and some became suicidal. They suffered family breakdown.
“Several years after they were abused, a disproportionate number were victims of domestic violence, developed drug and alcohol addiction and had parenting difficulties with their own children, resulting in interventions.”
Lawyer David Greenwood is representing 15 victims. Two were made pregnant by their abusers. He said: “Their lives are permanently blighted. Some are mothers to children who they still believe were conceived in a loving relationship when the reality is they were groomed and raped.”
Child sex abuse expert Christine Tuck, of the charity Survivors of Abuse, said: “The victims have given birth to victims. There are no adequate words to describe the trauma those girls are enduring. The men who did this are animals.”
Today it emerged Rotherham’s police chief during the height of the scandal, Mike Hedges, ignored two letters he was sent 10 years ago pleading with him to do something.
One, from a Home Office researcher, told him his officers were not doing enough to “protect children at risk and target their abusers”. Another was a plea for help from the desperate parents of a 13-year-old girl who had been gang raped.
Tonight, the retired officer insisted: “I cannot claim that (the letters) never arrived in my office but I have no recall of it. If something like that had been brought to my attention I would have done something about it.”
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 06:01:00 PM |

Labels: Islam, Islamic intolerance, Islamic rape, Multiculturalism, UK

Operation Protective Edge by the numbers: Hamas was struck harder than ever, the numbers speak for themselves
Hamas was struck harder than ever. The numbers speak for themselves. pic.twitter.com/3GObGIZQuJ
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) August 31, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 05:11:00 PM |

IDF shoots down drone that entered Israeli air space from Syria
Moments ago, the IDF intercepted a UAV that breached Israeli airspace from Syria near Quneitra. The UAV was targeted by a "Patriot" missile.
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) August 31, 2014
(JPost) The IDF shot down a drone that entered Israeli air space from Syria on Sunday. The air force fired a surface to air Patriot missile to intercept the drone, which had come from the Quneitra region in Syria, adjacent to the Israeli border. "The IDF will not tolerate a breach of the state of Israel's sovereignty," the army said.
Army sources said the drone likely belonged to the military of the Assad regime, and strayed into Israeli airspace by accident.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon responded to the interception of the drone said Israeli air defense personnel have "once again proven their high alertness and professionalism."
He added that Israel will not allow "any breach of our sovereignty or attempt to harm our civilians and soldiers in the North, whether deliberate or accidental. Recent weeks have proven that our patience for for attempts to harm us is short, and if someone attempts to test us, we will know know how to respond aggressively."
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 05:09:00 PM |

Kurdish Activists ‘Convert’ to Yezidis in Act of Solidarity
Kurdish Activists ‘Convert’ to Yezidi in Act of Solidarity http://t.co/paM4TYsTOL via @sharethis
— JewishJihadi™ (@blastedsilver) August 31, 2014
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - In an act of solidarity with Yezidis made homeless and persecuted en masse by the Islamic State (IS/formerly ISIS) in Iraq, dozens of Kurdish intellectuals and activists announced they have symbolically converted to the faith.
“We become Yezidis to show the radical Muslims that their genocidal campaign would only increase the number of Yezidis in Kurdistan,” said a group of 48 intellectuals and activists in a joint statement.
They said that the Yezidis are “subjected to savage attacks only because they have a different religion.”
“Because of their non-Muslim faith they are killed en masse, their girls and women are enslaved and many of them have been forcefully converted to Islam,” their statement read.
IS militants attacked the Yezidi town of Shingal early this month, killing several hundred civilians and displacing tens of thousands to Mount Shingal, where many died of hunger and thirst.
“I feel like a Yezidi,” pronounced Frmesk Mustafa, a Kurdish actress. “I am one of them,” she said.
Mustafa, who has returned to Kurdistan from Norway to work with Yezidi refugees, said: “The aim is to make them return the girls. And to show that Yezidis have to remain with their faith without fear.”
The activists stressed in their statement that the Kurdistan Region has no room for religious intolerance, and that Yezidis are welcome as members of Kurdish society.
“One of the prides of the people of Kurdistan is their belief in religious and ethnic diversity where every individual can live together,” they said.
The group called on the people of Kurdistan, Iraq and the world to become Yezidis, albeit symbolically, in solidarity with the small and persecuted community.
“We want to tell the Yezidis and the people of the world that we will not leave the Yezidis to face a genocide alone,” read the statement.
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 04:33:00 PM |

Labels: Iraq, ISIS, Kurds, Yazidis

Hamas denies reports that former interior minister is Israel collaborator
Fathi Hammad |
(JPost) Hamas sources denied over the weekend reports that the former interior minister in the Hamas government in Gaza, Fathi Hammad, defected to Israel after it was discovered that he was a Mossad agent.
The sources said that "the reports being published in a number of media outlets that Hamas official Fathi Hammad escaped abroad are groundless."
In comments made to the Fatah-affiliated Al-Kuffiah website, a source said that "Hammad has not fled Gaza and was not arrested on suspicion of collaborating with the security service of a country in the region, as was reported in the media."
He added that "the reports about Hammad are far from the truth, which is that he is continuing to act among the leadership of Hamas."
A day before the reports, Hammad was quoted as saying, "There is no phenomenon of collaboration with Israel." He said that "Israel enlists agents on an individual basis, therefore it is impossible to reveal additional collaborators through interrogation of a collaborator who is arrested by Palestinian security forces."
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 04:27:00 PM |

Wild "victory" celebrations in Gaza continue: IDF camera captures Palestinians raping a goat in turns
#GazaWins How pals celebrate their "victory" " IDF camera captures palestinians raping a goat in turns" http://t.co/omBULyXZzJ
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 30, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/31/2014 01:30:00 PM |

Labels: Gaza, Islamic rape

Fear of offending Muslims due to PC allows Islamic intolerance to thrive in the UK
Take for example today's revelation that the Government is looking at temporarily (yes, temporarily) banning those who go off to fight for Islamic terrorist groups around the world from returning, add the fact they won't remove British citizenship, you can see why the UK is a joke.
Then there's the fact that the leader of a Libyan terrorist group currently fighting the Libyan government is not only living in the UK, but he is directing the fight from here.
We've had the Trojan horse affair with our schools where radical Islamists took over schools and installed a Sharia based teaching regime (don't talk to kaffirs, women are second rate citizens, etc.) which we find out later in the day that the councils knew about.
In the UK, anybody walking around with an Israeli flag will be attacked as... bigot. But anybody walking around with the black flag of jihad is seen as... supporting Gaza.
With FGM being banned since 1985, not one person has been convicted of facilitating the evil act. Yet a report 2 months ago stated that there are 170,000 victims in the UK.
Let's not forget how in 1 town alone 1,400 girls were raped by Islamic paedophiles, fully sanctioned by the authorities because they didn't want to be seen as racist.
The British Government, this and the last one, have let down the British public, in the name of equality, they have allowed Islamic bigotry to thrive in the UK. For years they have silenced people who asked questions about the more intolerant parts of Islam, and then they wonder why people have gravitated towards the far right.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/31/2014 01:00:00 PM |

Labels: British MPs, Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Islamic rape

Terrorist attack in Somalia kills 11
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/31/2014 11:24:00 AM |

Labels: Somalia

Saturday, August 30, 2014
FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism
![]() |
Medical workers aid injured people near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon following two bomb explosions |
(WFB) The FBI’s most recent national threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats, despite last year’s Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting—both carried out by radical Muslim Americans.
Instead, the internal FBI intelligence report concluded in its 2013 assessment published this month that the threat to U.S. internal security from extremists is limited to attacks and activities by eight types of domestic extremist movements—none motivated by radical Islam.
They include anti-government militia groups and white supremacy extremists, along with “sovereign citizen” nationalists, and anarchists. Other domestic threat groups outlined by the FBI assessment include violent animal rights and environmentalist extremists, black separatists, anti- and pro-abortion activists, and Puerto Rican nationalists.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 09:46:00 PM |

Labels: US

India: Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists rally for Israel
#India got balls!1000s rally in support of #Israel & #Yezidis in #Kolkata yesterday. #indiawithisrael #YazidiGenocide pic.twitter.com/mqn77YXhGz
— Blind West (@Blind_West) August 30, 2014
(TheJC) All over the world, tens of thousands have loudly protested against recent Israeli military actions. In one populous and culturally pivotal corner of India, however, reactions have been significantly different - at least amongst a sizeable, vocal minority.
On August 16, nearly 20,000 people rallied in support of Israel in Kolkatta (formerly Calcutta) in the largest demonstration of its kind to date.
Protesters from the Hindu Samhati movement, including Buddhists and Sikhs, carried banners reading "Save Israel from jihadi aggression" and "Stop Hamas, Gaza will be peaceful."
Protest organiser Tapan Ghosh told the crowd: "The destiny of India and Israel as thriving democracies are intertwined. We share the same values." He added that both were "surrounded by very tough neighbours" and insisted that Israel had every right to defend itself.
Condolences #BlockTheBoat #BDS peeps
India diplomat: We want to embrace Israeli tech
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 30, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 09:15:00 PM |

Jihad in France: Two Muslim Girls Arrested Over Synagogue Suicide Bomb Plot
(INN) Two teenage girls have been arrested on suspicion of conspiring to blow up a synagogue in Lyon, Newsweek reported on Friday, citing French news websites.
According to JSS News and Europe 1, a source from the French security agency the Central Directorate of Homeland Intelligence revealed that two Muslim girls, aged 15 and 17, were arrested in the Tarbes and Venissieux neighborhoods a week ago, after authorities uncovered a plan to carry out a suicide bombing inside the Great Synagogue of Lyon.
The two were indicted on August 22 for conspiracy to commit terrorism, reported Newsweek.
An unnamed security source also revealed that the two teenagers had never met, but communicated only via social media.
“These girls were part of a network of young Islamists who were being monitored by security services,” the source was quoted as having said. Security services are becoming increasingly concerned with online radicalisation, particularly following the proliferation of videos created by jihadist groups such as Islamic State.
Anti-Semitism has been on the increase in France over the last few years, but there has been a surge in anti-Semitic incidents since Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s self-defense military operation in Gaza to end the rocket attacks from that region.
Protests in Paris during the fighting in Gaza were initially banned but held anyway and descended into chaos.
Similar demonstrations saw hundreds of Muslim extremists attacked a major synagogue in Paris, provoking clashes with Jewish youths who rushed to defend the site and worshippers trapped inside.
There have been anti-Israel protests throughout Europe as well, including many which have descended into anti-Semitism. In Berlin, footage of one such protest showed hundreds of demonstrators chanting in German, “Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come on out and fight on your own”.
“Jews in France or Belgium are being killed because they are Jews,” Roger Cukierman, president of the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions (CRIF), told Newsweek.
“Jihadism has become the new Nazism. This makes people consider leaving France,” he added.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 08:29:00 PM |

Labels: France, Islam, Islamic Jihad

Rotherham: 'Brazen' sex abusers sent taxis to collect girls from children's home

(Telegraph) Rotherham's sex abusers "brazenly" picked up girls as young as 11 from their children's home and in some cases sent taxis to collect them, a former care worker has disclosed.
The unnamed male care worker told the BBC that the abusers made "absolutely no attempts to disguise what they were doing."
He claimed staff were reluctant to intervene in some cases for fear of being classed as "racist".
The taxi drivers would get to know the girls while working on official council business, the source said.
The girls would be taken by cab from the home to schools. But they would quickly start grooming them, giving them drugs and alcohol, the source added.
Young girls told the inquiry they actively avoided using taxis at night. Drivers would take the longest route possible and ask them how old they were. The conversations would become flirtatious, often with the references to sex.
Girls told how they would sometimes exchange sexual favours for lifts in taxis.
“One of the taxis was under contract to via RNBC. A phone call from us with a password and that would then be charged to Rotherham Borough Council,” the source told the BBC.
His allegations follow claims in The Times that senior staff at Rotherham council ordered a raid on one of their offices to remove case files and wipe computer records detailing the scale and severity of the town's sex-grooming crisis.
A report has found that at least 1,400 children were sexually exploited in the town by men predominantly of Pakistani heritage between 1997 and 2013.
The abuse they suffered included beatings, rape and trafficking to various towns and cities in England, Prof Alexis Jay's report revealed on Tuesday.
The care worker told the BBC men would arrive almost "every night" and often the girls, who lived at the home and escaped using a range of methods, would be collected by taxis.
"Sometimes, [the men] would phone and they would pick up around the corner, but sometimes they would just turn up and pick up at the children's home," he said.
"It depended on how brazen they were or how much heat they thought was on at the time.
"They did genuinely think who was on shift, who would be likely to go outside the children's unit.
"I used to make a deliberate attempt to let them know that I had clocked their car, that I was taking their registration plate."
He said he confronted some of the men, despite warnings from his colleagues some carried knives.
"They would laugh it off with a good smirk," he continued.
"It was very much about the drug culture and the alcohol and the party.
"They would sometimes say that they would have you stabbed or shot by one of their associates."
Each time a girl went missing police were called, but officers usually only arrived when the child got back to the home, sometimes "high on drugs" or "incredibly drunk", he said.
"They led us very much on a merry dance and there wasn't much we could do apart from keep documenting," he said.
"And we documented every single night, and we spoke to social workers. The social workers were passing that on.
"Everything we passed on, nothing seemed to go further in any way shape or form."
He said he eventually left the home over his frustrations he was failing the children in his care and said he was not surprised at the revelations in Prof Jay's report.
"These young people have already been sexually abused, in many cases," he said.
"The abused very rarely blame the abuser.
"There were some horrific cases of abuse within the family and yet they still loved their parent."
He said children who have been abused do not blame their attacker simply because they "are struggling for love".
"[But] you cannot provide love in a children's unit," he said.
"It's one thing that you can't provide, and as a corporate parent it's where we fail. "
"And if [the abusers] are providing that, plus drugs, and alcohol and freedoms, or perceived freedoms, then we're never going to be able to keep them safe."
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 06:57:00 PM |

Labels: Islam, Islamic rape, Multiculturalism, UK

Boko Haram beheaded six-year-old Christian boy
'Boko Haram beheads six-year-old Christian boy'
#Islam #Jihad
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 30, 2014
It was revealed this week that Nigerian terrorist group Boko Haram beheaded a six-year-old boy on June 1 because he was a Christian.
The attack occurred in Attagara, Gwoza district, Borno State – a predominately Christian community, according to Voice of the Martyrs.
Over 100 militants descended upon the village, slaughtering men, women, and children.
Boko Haram has kidnapped and killed Christians and Shiite Muslims across Borno and Yobe States in an increasingly deadly campaign to establish an extremist, Sunni Muslim reign.
The assault on Attagara occurred as Sunday church services were beginning, according to Voice of the Martyrs (VOM). Boko Haram slashed the villagers with machetes, and fired upon them with assault weapons.
One villager, Sawaltha Wandala, was arriving at church for the second service when he saw children being massacred. One six-year-old boy had been slashed and thrown into a ditch, but he was alive. Wandala picked him up and was carrying him to a hospital in Cameroon, when he was stopped by five of the militants.
The men reportedly took the child from Wandala's arms and beheaded him, then began beating the 55-year-old with tree branches. After striking him in the head with a rock, they left him for dead.
Two days later the militants returned, attacking Attagara and other villages in Gwoza. VOM reported that approximately 200 people were killed in the two-day assaults.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 06:32:00 PM |

Labels: Islam, Islamic Jihad

Gaza: Young girl with a Kalashnikov joins in jihadists' celebration of 'victory' over Israel
One wonders what Palestinian Girl Scout Camp is like http://t.co/cJzhxMWI8z #tcot #Israel pic.twitter.com/j2Dw5Bj32U
— Dennis Price (@JustAHobbit) August 30, 2014
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has accused Hamas of causing thousands of unnecessary deaths by fighting in Gaza for longer than was needed.
President Abbas said all casualties could have been avoided and blamed Hamas for needlessly extending the war with Israel.
His words came as hundreds of Palestinian Islamic militants took part in a rally celebrating the 'victory' over Israel, in Gaza City today.
Young children were seen brandishing weapons as fighters of Al-Quds brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist organisation Palestinian Islamic Jihad, marched in the streets.
Israel and Hamas militants fought for 50 days before reaching a truce on Tuesday, with both sides declaring a victory.
Abbas told Palestine TV in remarks broadcast Friday that 'it was possible for us to avoid all of that, 2,000 martyrs, 10,000 injured, 50,000 houses (damaged or destroyed).'
More than 2,100 Palestinians were killed, including hundreds of civilians. Seventy one people on the Israeli side, including six civilians, were killed.
Several Egyptian mediated cease-fire attempts failed. Hamas eventually accepted almost the same truce offered at the beginning.
Truly revolting images from #Gaza. Over 2000 people died and what they teach their children is only more violence. pic.twitter.com/u1ZwZfIwOr
— Julie Lenarz (@MsIntervention) August 26, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 06:01:00 PM |

Labels: Gaza

Report: UN peacekeepers fleeing from Syria jihadists to Israel
Report: #UN peacekeepers fleeing from #Syria jihadists to #Israel
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 30, 2014
The Al-Jazeera network reported Saturday that members of the UN Disengagement Observer Force stationed in Daraa in southern Syria are abandoning their posts and fleeing to the Israeli side of the Golan Heights.
In another report published simultaneously, Philippine officials said Syrian rebels holding dozens of Fijian UN peacekeepers hostage attacked Filipino troops in the Golan Heights on Saturday.
Philippine peacekeepers at one UN encampment were attacked, but those at another were "extricated," Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin told reporters in a series of text messages, adding that the attack started early Saturday Syrian time.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 01:21:00 PM |

Dozens of Yazidi women 'sold into marriage' by jihadists

(AFP) Several dozen Yazidi women kidnapped by Islamic State jihadists in Iraq have been taken to Syria, forced to convert and sold into marriage to militants, a monitoring group said Saturday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based NGO, said it had confirmed that at least 27 Yazidi women had been sold for around $1,000 each to IS fighters.
The group said it was aware that some 300 Yazidi women had been kidnapped and transported to Syria by the jihadists, but it had so far documented the sale into marriage of 27.
"In recent weeks, some 300 women and girls of the Yazidi faith who were abducted in Iraq have been distributed as spoils of war to fighters from the Islamic State," a statement said.
The group said it had documented several cases in which the fighters then sold the women as brides for $1,000 each to other IS members after forcing them to convert to Islam.
"The Observatory documented at least 27 cases of those being sold into marriage by Islamic State members in the northeast of Aleppo province, and parts of Raqa and Hassakeh province," the NGO said.
It added that some Syrian Arabs and Kurds had tried to buy some of the women in a bid to set them free, but they were only being sold to IS members.
The Observatory said it was unclear what had happened to the rest of the 300 women, and strongly denounced the "sale of these women who are being treated as though they are objects to buy and sell."
Both UN officials and Yazidis fleeing IS advances in Iraq have said fighters kidnapped women to be sold into forced marriages.
UN religious right monitor Heiner Beilefeldt warned earlier this month of reports of women being executed and kidnapped by IS militants.
"We have reports of women being executed and unverified reports that strongly suggest that hundreds of women and children have been kidnapped –- many of the teenagers have been sexually assaulted, and women have been assigned or sold to 'IS' fighters," she said.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 01:15:00 PM |

Labels: Iraq, ISIS, Syria, Yazidis

Intelligence nightmare: Jihadists flying home from Mideast with Western passports seen as major security threat

WASHINGTON (AP) — The case of Mehdi Nemmouche haunts U.S. intelligence officials.
Nemmouche is a Frenchman who authorities say spent 11 months fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria before returning to Europe to act out his rage. On May 24, prosecutors say, he methodically shot four people at the Jewish Museum in central Brussels. Three died instantly, one afterward. Nemmouche was arrested later, apparently by chance.
For U.S. and European counterterrorism officials, that 90-second spasm of violence is the kind of attack they fear from thousands of Europeans and up to 100 Americans who have gone to fight for extremist armies in Syria and now Iraq.
The Obama administration has offered a wide range of assessments of the threat to U.S. national security posed by the extremists who say they've established a caliphate, or Islamic state, in an area straddling eastern Syrian and northern and western Iraq, and whose actions include last week's beheading of American journalist James Foley. Some officials say the group is more dangerous than al-Qaida. Yet intelligence assessments say it currently couldn't pull off a complex, 9-11-style attack on the U.S. or Europe.
However, there is broad agreement across intelligence and law enforcement agencies of the immediate threat from radicalized Europeans and Americans who could come home to conduct lone-wolf operations. Such plots are difficult to detect because they don't require large conspiracies of people whose emails or phone calls can be intercepted.
The 2013 Boston Marathon bombings were like that, carried out by radicalized American brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev acting on their own. So was the 2010 attempt to bomb New York's Times Square by Faisal Shahzad, who received training and direction in Pakistan but operated alone in the United States.
On Friday, Britain raised its terror threat from "substantial" to "severe," its second highest level, citing a foreign fighter danger that made a terrorist attack "highly likely." The U.S. didn't elevate its national terrorist threat level, though White House press secretary Josh Earnest said the administration was closely monitoring the situation. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Friday that U.S. authorities aren't aware of any "specific, credible" threats to the U.S. homeland from the group.
So far, Nemmouche is the only foreign fighter affiliated with the Islamic State group who authorities say returned from the battlefield to carry out violence, and some scholars argue the danger is overstated. But nearly every senior national security official in the U.S. government — including the attorney general, FBI director, homeland security secretary and leaders of key intelligence and military agencies — has called foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq their top terrorism worry.
"While we have worked hard over the last year and a half to detect Westerners who have gone to Syria, no one knows for sure whether there are those who have gone there undetected," said John Cohen, a Rutgers University professor who stepped down in July as the Homeland Security Department's counterterrorism coordinator.
"And that's why those of us who look at this every day are so concerned that somebody is going to slip through the cracks," Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the House Intelligence Committee chairman, said Thursday on CNN. "They're either going to get into Europe or they're going to get into the United States."
Unlike al-Qaida militants in Pakistan and Yemen, American and European passport holders who have secretly gone to fight in Syria can travel freely if they have not been identified as terrorists. U.S. authorities are sifting through travel records and trying to identify the foreign fighters, but they won't see all of them.
An American from San Diego, Douglas McAuthur McCain, was killed this week in Syria, where, officials say, he was fighting with the Islamic State. The U.S. is investigating whether a second American also was killed.
McCain is one of several Western Muslims over the last two years who proved themselves willing to kill or die for extremist groups or help them win new recruits. The names of many more remain secret in the files of U.S. intelligence agencies, but here are others that are public:
— Moner Mohammad Abusalha, an American who grew up a basketball fan in Vero Beach, Florida, killed 16 people and himself in a suicide bombing attack against Syrian government forces in May. U.S. officials say he was on their radar screen but acknowledge he traveled from Syria to the United States before the attack without detection. Had he attacked in the U.S. instead of Syria, it's unclear whether he would have been stopped.
— Two brothers from East London, Hamza Nawaz, 23, and Mohommod Nawaz, 30, pleaded guilty in May to attending a terrorist training camp in Syria. They were caught on the return trip home with ammunition. In an unrelated case, Mashudur Choudhury, 31, was also convicted in London of traveling to a terrorist camp in Syria.
— Three Norwegian residents were arrested in May and accused of having fought with the Islamic State group.
— Eight men, including a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, were arrested in June by Spanish authorities and charged with recruiting for the Islamic State group.
Of the thousands of foreign fighters who've flocked to Syria, many have fought with the al Nusra front, an al-Qaida affiliate and rival to the Islamic State. The group poses its own threat, American officials say, but poses less of a threat than does the Islamic State, whose battlefield successes have made it a stronger draw for foreign fighters than any Jihadist group in recent history. It has seized advanced military equipment and has millions of dollars in cash.
Intelligence officials estimate that about a dozen Americans are fighting with the Islamic State group.
Nemmouche, who has a long criminal record, allegedly killed two Israeli tourists outside the Brussels museum entrance with a .357 Magnum revolver. Then he walked inside, removed an assault rifle from a gym bag and shot two museum employees in the face and throat, prosecutors say.
He was caught six days later during a random customs inspection of a bus from Amsterdam. With him were the murder weapons, authorities say, and a sheet scrawled with the name of the Islamic State. He had intended to film the attack with a wearable video camera, authorities say, though it wasn't working that day.
Abusalha, the 22-year-old Vero Beach suicide bomber, was recorded in a series of videos before his attack. In one of them, he addresses the U.S. public in American-accented English.
"You think you are safe? You are not safe," he said. "We are coming for you, mark my words."
"We don't have a strategy yet!" http://t.co/wkmqm8vv5x pic.twitter.com/7bQ2afg64D
— Pat Peters, Ph.D. (@PatVPeters) August 30, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 12:31:00 PM |

Labels: ISIS, Islamic Jihad

Jewish Taliban kicked out of Guatemalan town

He was jailed in 1994 (kidnapping a minor), and on his release in 2000 he was deported to Israel. However, he moved West again in 2003, but this time he relocated to Canada and claimed asylum on the grounds of religious persecution in Israel. Well, that lasted until 2011 when the Canadian authorities started asking question about why the Lev Taho community home schooling regime wasn't complying with Canadian standards. This came to a head in March of this year when, seeking refuge from allegations of child abuse, the Group moved to Guatemala.

Well, a few months down the line and the locals have said enough is enough and virtually forced the group out from their new home in the village of San Juan La Laguna due to their inability to mix with the locals and their so called arrogant attitude. The group is currently living in Guatemala City.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/30/2014 11:36:00 AM |

Labels: Ultra-Orthodox Jews

North Korean leader's money manager defects in Russia
SEOUL (Reuters) - A senior North Korean banking official who managed money for leader Kim Jong Un has defected in Russia and was seeking asylum in a third country, a South Korean newspaper reported on Friday, citing an unidentified source.
Yun Tae Hyong, a senior representative of North Korea's Korea Daesong Bank, disappeared last week in Nakhodka, in the Russian Far East, with $5 million, the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper reported.
The Daesong Bank is suspected by the U.S. government of being under the control of the North Korean government's Office 39, which is widely believed to finance illicit activities, including the procurement of luxury goods which are banned under U.N. sanctions.
The bank was blacklisted by the U.S. Treasury Department in 2010.
The newspaper said North Korea had asked Russian authorities for cooperation in efforts to capture Yun.
It was not clear how Yun traveled to Russia or what he was doing before he defected. Russia and North Korea share a 17-km (10.5 miles) land border.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 11:34:00 AM |

Labels: North Korea

ISIS: Watch British Muslim student boast of joining 'golden era of jihad' in shocking new video
(Mirror) A young British student has boasted of joining the "golden era of jihad" and fighting for the Islamic State in a shocking new video.
Londoner Hamzah Parvez, 21, claims he has been fighting for the violent extremists for five months, and calls on other Muslim Britons to give up their weekly Nandos and "come to the land of jihad and shout Allah".
His face hidden behind a black scarf which only shows his eyes, and speaking in a thick London accent, he tells the camera: "This is the golden era of jihad.
"What are we doing sitting in the UK? Sitting in the land which kills Muslims everyday. What are we doing in their lands? It is not the lands for us."
In the clip - believed to be the first footage of a Briton fighting for the militants in Iraq rather than Syria - he urges others to take up arms and join the growing ranks of foreign fighters.
He said there are "jobs for doctors, nurses, architects, builders even for street cleaners in the Islamic State".
He added: "Are we content with eating Nando's every week? Come to the land of jihad and shout Allah."
Parvez, 21, comes from a stable home in west London, but earlier this year he lied to his family claiming he was travelling to Germany to study.
He convinced them to pay for his trip, but instead slipped out of Europe and travelled to the Middle East where he joined the estimated 2,000 foreign fighters there.
Posted by Watcher at 8/30/2014 10:00:00 AM |

Labels: ISIS, Islamic Jihad, UK

Friday, August 29, 2014
Female IDF technicians risk their lives repairing IDF obsevation equipment on the Gaza border
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Second Lieutenant Shir Menashe |
(Ynet) Recent discoveries show that Hamas has made dozens of attempts to hit IDF radar and observation posts in masts and towers along the border with the Gaza Strip in order to "blind" troops in Gaza.
In the last weeks of the war Hamas made some success when it managed to set off explosives that almost toppled a large mast on which observation equipment overlooking the southern part of the Gaza Strip was placed. In another incident last week Hamas launched an anti-tank missile which hit the top part of a lookout post near Nahal Oz. In dozens of other cases they fired mortar shells at these and other observation towers.
Those who were sent each time to repair or replace the cameras and the radars hit by Hamas fire were the Gaza Division technical teams, including female soldiers and officers.
"Hamas militants, who were watching the border area, saw the female soldiers climb up the mast to fix the discovery tools as fast as they can while risking their lives, fired mortar shells at them," an officer from the Gaza Division told Ynet.
"This is the reason that in most cases we operate in the darkness and we also increased the amount observation equipment used to replace the ones that were hit," he added.
Technical officer Second Lieutenant Shir Menashe recounted an incident that took place last week when an observation post was hit near Nahal Oz.
"While fixing the post as fast as we could we were constantly under mortar fire. We jumped for cover and went up again and again until we finished the repair work on the broken observation equipment. The repair work can take up to two hours," said Menashe.
Menashe's colleague, technical squad commander Sergeant Meital Cohen said that, "When you are climbing up there you feel you are being watched from Gaza, so we work in complete darkness, without a flashlight or a telephone. Even though IDF forces are protecting us from every direction, on the way to the post we are prepared to encounter terrorists near the border; From time to time we practice one-on-one combat drills and close encounter combat against terrorists' squads."
Menashe and Cohen's commander, Chief NCO Baruch Elkayam said that in the past few weeks some of the radars were shifted backwards from west to east in order to track the activity on Israel's territory following the terror tunnels threat.
Posted by Watcher at 8/29/2014 09:49:00 PM |

Anti-Semite British MP George Galloway attacked in London
It transpires that GG (well, he is a horse's arse) is currently touring the UK promoting his latest book-Colour by numbers???- and today he was in Notting Hill, London, posing for pictures when somebody started shouting at him and then kicked the f-ing shit out of the terrorist apologising bastard. Thankfully for GG, and unlucky for the British people, police were quickly at hand. Why is it that police in the UK are so quick to the scene to defend terrorist suspects, political agitators and other thugs but so slow to defend the real victims of crime (like 1,400 white girls in Rotherham) and saved GG from getting a real beating?
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GG after the attack |
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 06:49:00 PM |

Labels: Anti-Semitism, UK

Easy Meat: Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 02:55:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Islamic rape, Media bias, Multiculturalism, UK

British Mayor forced to resign due to giving his friend (a convicted rapist) a taxis permit
The driver, who has not been named, first applied for a taxi licence in February 2010. However, a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check revealed that he had four convictions for serious sexual assault, including rape. 14 months later, in April 2011, a council sub-committee met to consider the application. After Mr Shafiq gave him a “very strong character reference” and described himself as a friend, the driver was issued a taxi licence in September 2011. Get that, somebody in a position of authority, allowing his friend (a known rapist) to be given a job which allows him to be alone with vulnerable females. Talk about nepotism.
Well, somebody put a complaint in to the council in January of this year, and it took till April in which to revoke this man's licence, and it took another 4 months before somebody questioned Mr Shafiq's involvement, something, if they had acted on early, would have prevented him becoming Mayor in June of this year and this utter farce from taking the central stage.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 02:45:00 PM |

Labels: British Crooks, Multiculturalism, UK

Captured ISIS laptop contains instructions for weaponizing Bubonic Plague
"#ISIS laptop contains instructions for weaponizing Bubonic Plague" #Islam #Jihad http://t.co/BKwOF3yP8N
— mallen (@mallen2010) August 29, 2014
The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons and how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals.
ANTAKYA, Turkey (FP) — Abu Ali, a commander of a moderate Syrian rebel group in northern Syria, proudly shows a black laptop partly covered in dust. "We took it this year from an ISIS hideout," he says.
Abu Ali says the fighters from the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), which have since rebranded themselves as the Islamic State, all fled before he and his men attacked the building. The attack occurred in January in a village in the Syrian province of Idlib, close to the border with Turkey, as part of a larger anti-ISIS offensive occurring at the time. "We found the laptop and the power cord in a room," he continued, "I took it with me. But I have no clue if it still works or if it contains anything interesting."
As we switched on the Dell laptop, it indeed still worked. Nor was it password-protected. But then came a huge disappointment: After we clicked on "My Computer," all the drives appeared empty.
Appearances, however, can be deceiving. Upon closer inspection, the ISIS laptop wasn't empty at all: Buried in the "hidden files" section of the computer were 146 gigabytes of material, containing a total of 35,347 files in 2,367 folders. Abu Ali allowed us to copy all these files -- which included documents in French, English, and Arabic -- onto an external hard drive.
The laptop's contents turn out to be a treasure trove of documents that provide ideological justifications for jihadi organizations -- and practical training on how to carry out the Islamic State's deadly campaigns. They include videos of Osama bin Laden, manuals on how to make bombs, instructions for stealing cars, and lessons on how to use disguises in order to avoid getting arrested while traveling from one jihadi hot spot to another.
But after hours upon hours of scrolling through the documents, it became clear that the ISIS laptop contains more than the typical propaganda and instruction manuals used by jihadists. The documents also suggest that the laptop's owner was teaching himself about the use of biological weaponry, in preparation for a potential attack that would have shocked the world.
The information on the laptop makes clear that its owner is a Tunisian national named Muhammed S. who joined ISIS in Syria and who studied chemistry and physics at two universities in Tunisia's northeast. Even more disturbing is how he planned to use that education: The ISIS laptop contains a 19-page document in Arabic on how to develop biological weapons and how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals.
"The advantage of biological weapons is that they do not cost a lot of money, while the human casualties can be huge," the document states.
The document includes instructions for how to test the weaponized disease safely, before it is used in a terrorist attack. "When the microbe is injected in small mice, the symptoms of the disease should start to appear within 24 hours," the document says.
The laptop also includes a 26-page fatwa, or Islamic ruling, on the usage of weapons of mass destruction. "If Muslims cannot defeat the kafir [unbelievers] in a different way, it is permissible to use weapons of mass destruction," states the fatwa by Saudi jihadi cleric Nasir al-Fahd, who is currently imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. "Even if it kills all of them and wipes them and their descendants off the face of the Earth."
Posted by Watcher at 8/29/2014 11:13:00 AM |

Labels: ISIS, Islamic Jihad, Syria

VIDEO: France 24 reports on those Hamas missile launch sites
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 09:00:00 AM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, Israel

Here's the reason why the Chinese don't like US aircraft flying in international waters off China
In other words, the mandarins in Beijing have no problem using the Chinese Navy as their muscle, which is why it makes good sense in which to keep an eye on them. Which is also why the Chinese get very uppity when the US flies in international waters off the coast of China, but especially off the Island of Hainan.
You see, the Chinese have a huge underground submarine base on the bottom of the Island and they know that by dint of geography, that base is somewhat hemmed in (or well protected). Here is where it is situated, via Google Earth. Zoom in on Hainan Island and gravitate towards the bottom.
Continue zooming in and head towards the little spur of land between those two sets of beaches.
And there, ladies and gentlemen, is Yulin Naval Base:
That leg, which sticks out at the left, covered by green, is the site of the underground submarine base and is reported to be able to hold up to 20 nuclear missile carrying submarines.
And here is the above in a little more detail:
Here's a better view of that sea entrance into the underground base:
The base is also being built up to accommodate aircraft carriers, so you can see why the rest want to know what is going in and out of the area and why the Chinese are quite happy to risk losing a plane or two in which to keep prying eyes away, even over international waters. A little more info can be found at this little exposé by Neotrix.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 07:19:00 AM |

Dutch police arrest ISIS recruiters in Holland

All three are suspected of sedition and inciting hatred among others through various social media and websites, aiming to incite a terrorist crime, according to the prosecutor. All were part of a group that attacked an anti-ISIS demonstration in July this year in the Schilderswijk quarter in The Hague. This demonstration caused uproar after anti-Semitic slogans were called.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 05:00:00 AM |

Labels: Holland, ISIS, Islamic intolerance

ISIS stages another beheading for the Kurds and liberal left

Of course the message these IS-lamic thugs want to send to the Kurds is, this is what will happen if you continue to oppose us by siding with the US. Which, I have to admit, is having the opposite effect on the Kurds, as currently it is ISIS which is on the back foot with them losing the Ain Zala and Batma oil fields in northern Iraq and are currently under assault in the city of Zummar. Which kind of explains why ISIS has set fire to a couple of oil wells in which to emulate the cephalopod (spineless) tactic of inking their enemy in which to scuttle away to safety.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2014 03:00:00 AM |

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan formally requests to become 'citizen' of Islamic State caliphate

(Fox News) The convicted shooter in the Fort Hood massacre has written a letter to the leader of the Islamic State saying he wants to become a "citizen" of the caliphate, in the latest example of the terror group's reach inside the U.S.
The letter from Nidal Hasan, obtained by Fox News, comes after two Americans reportedly died fighting for ISIS in Syria. Sources late Wednesday identified the second as Abdirahmaan Muhumed, of Minneapolis. Fox affiliate KMSP-TV in Minneapolis reported that Muhumed was killed in the same battle as Douglas McAuthur McCain, who grew up outside Minneapolis in the town of New Hope and most recently lived in San Diego.
The State Department said Thursday it could not confirm Muhumed’s death and efforts to reach his family were unsuccessful.
.In the undated letter, Hasan -- who fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 at Fort Hood in 2009 in what the Defense Department called “workplace violence”-- tells ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi that he wants to join the caliphate.
"I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State,”Hasan says in the handwritten document addressed to “Ameer, Mujahid Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”
"It would be an honor for any believer to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don't compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers."
The two-page letter includes Hasan’s signature and the abbreviation SoA for Soldier of Allah.
Posted by Watcher at 8/28/2014 10:19:00 PM |

Labels: ISIS, Islamic Jihad

Obama: The 'No Strategy' in Chief

(US) President Barack Obama has said that the United States has not yet developed a strategy for confronting Islamic State in Syria, an acknowledgement that a decision had not been made on whether to launch air strikes against the terrorist group. In other words, he is dithering yet again.
This, people, is what happens when you have a lawyer in charge. He's dithered all around the world, be it Israel, Europe, China, Russia, Africa and in the ME. Because of this, thousands of people have died. If ever there was a man - sorry, did I say man? I meant golfer - who is totally unable to do the job he is getting paid for, it's the 'No Strategy' in Chief.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/28/2014 09:02:00 PM |

Palestinian comedy hour: Abbas accuses Hamas of being criminals... two days after complaining Arab countries oppose his reconciliation with Hamas
Prez Abbas accuses Hamas of placing Fatah members under house arrest during war; condemns public executions as "criminal"
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) August 28, 2014
The funny thing is that just two days ago he was complaining about this:
Prez Mahmoud Abbas: Jordan and other Arab countries [Egypt, Saudi, UAE] opposed my reconciliation deal with #Hamas.
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) August 27, 2014
Posted by Watcher at 8/28/2014 08:37:00 PM |

Al Qaeda magazine hints of looming attack; urges bombing of Las Vegas, Times Square, military targets
(Fox News) A new English-language Al Qaeda magazine features a how-to article on making car bombs and suggests terror targets in the United States, including casinos in Las Vegas, oil tankers and military colleges, and implies that an attack is imminent.
The online publication, called “Palestine-Betrayal of the Guilty Conscience Al-Malahem” and put out by the media arm of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, calls for Muslims around the world to follow “the recipe” provided to set off car bombs in crowded venues. It includes a timeline of "selected jihadi operations" that the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which first flagged the slickly-produced latest edition of the terror publication, finds chilling.
“The timeline concludes with the date 201?’ and blank spaces and question marks for the photo and information of the next attack -- implying that it is coming soon.” said MEMRI Executive Director Steve Stalinsky.
There is a suggested list of targets for lone-wolf, or individually executed, terror attacks, including New York's Times Square, casinos and night clubs in Las Vegas, oil tankers and trains, the Georgia Military College, the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and General Atomics defense contractor in San Diego.
“This recipe gives you the ability to make a car bomb even in countries with tight security and surveillance,” one article reads, before providing a “shopping list” of supplies needed to make such a bomb, including cooking gas, oxygen gas, a barometer, decoration lamps and matches.
There is also a list of targets in Britain including a military academy and the Marks and Spencers chain of department stores. The magazine calls for the stores to be hit on Friday during prayers so that Muslims won’t be affected.
Globally, AQAP calls for the targeting of tourist resorts frequented by Israelis, Britons and Americans.
In a nine-page spread entitled, “How to make a bomb in the kitchen of your mom,” the magazine details a do-it-yourself, illustrated guide on assembling a pressure-cooker bomb similar to the ones used in the Boston Marathon bombings.
“My Muslim brother, before you start reading the instructions, remember that this type of operation if prepared well and an appropriate target is chosen and Allah decrees success for you, history will never forget it. It will be recorded as a crushing defeat on the enemies of Islam,” the article says.
The “Palestine” magazine is a spin-off of AQAP's Inspire magazine, which mainly encourages and instructs jihadi recruits to carry out lone-wolf attack in the West. This new magazine is meant to play upon the recent anti-Israel and anti-U.S. sentiments brought about by the conflict between Hamas and Israel.
Posted by Watcher at 8/28/2014 08:03:00 PM |

Labels: Al Qaeda, ISIS, Israel, UK, US

Muslim flying ISIS flag in Chicago threatens cops with a bomb
Chicago man with an ISIS flag waving from his vehicle threatened cops with a bomb yesterday - http://t.co/OCl9AowYJC
— PzFeed Top News (@PzFeed) August 28, 2014
A man who had an ISIS flag waving from his vehicle is facing several charges after he threatened police with a bomb Wednesday morning when he was pulled over on the Southwest Side.
Emad Karakrah, 49, was charged with felony counts of disorderly conduct and aggravated fleeing; and a misdemeanor count of driving on a never-issued license, according to Chicago Police. He was also issued three traffic citations.
Someone called police after seeing a “suspicious person” driving a silver Pontiac southbound in the 7700 block of South Kedzie at 9:18 a.m. with an ISIS flag waving out the window, according to a police report.
Officers attempted to pull over the vehicle, but the driver took off, according to the report. The officers called for assistance, and another officer pulled the vehicle over after it went through several red lights.
The man told police during his arrest that there was a bomb in the car and he would detonate it if they searched the vehicle, according to the report.
A bomb squad, the FBI and Homeland Security responded to the scene and searched the vehicle, but no bomb was found, authorities said.
Judge Laura Sullivan ordered Karakrah held on a $55,000 bond Thursday. He is next scheduled to appear in court on Sept. 3.
Posted by Watcher at 8/28/2014 05:02:00 PM |

A Pro-Hamas Left Emerges

In the pursuit of political goals and an anti-Israel message, Historians Against the War has abandoned the standards of its profession and adopted a stance that objectively supports Hamas’s war aims.
(The American Interest) On July 31, 2014, a group of left-leaning historians called “Historians Against the War” posted an open letter to President Obama denouncing Israel’s actions in the Gaza War and calling for a cut-off of American military assistance to Israel. On August 13, the letter was posted on the website of the History News Network. On August 13, the signers reported that “in less than twenty-four hours over two hundred US, based [sic] historians had signed the letter.” This remarkable turnout depended on the mobilization of an already existing network of an academic Left that emerged in opposition to the war in Iraq and that stays in touch via a website called “The Hawblog.” On August 14, the blog announced that more than a thousand historians had signed the statement, including a large number from Mexico and Brazil.
With a brief and unconvincing effort to sound balanced, the statement deplored “the ongoing attacks against civilians in Gaza and in Israel” but then turned its fire on Israel for what it called “the disproportionate harm that the Israeli military, which the United States has armed and supported for decades, is inflicting on the population of Gaza.” The signers were “profoundly disturbed that Israeli forces are killing and wounding so many Palestinian children.” They found “unacceptable the failure of United States elected officials to hold Israel accountable for such an act” and demanded “a cease-fire, the immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza and a permanent end to the blockade so that its people can resume some semblance of normal life.” Further, they urged the President to suspend U.S. military aid to Israel until there is assurance that it will no longer be used for the commission of “war crimes.” “As historians,” they concluded, “we recognize this as a moment of acute moral crisis in which it is vitally important that United States policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict change direction.”
It is old news that an academic tenured Left has a foothold in departments of history in the United States, as well as in Latin America. Also familiar is the deception involved in presenting oneself as “against war,” as if those who disagree are “for” war, and as if the issue were one of war or peace rather than anything that has to do with the substance of the conflict. Nor is it surprising that left-of-center academics are largely hostile to Israel. Hostility to Israel became a defining element of what it means to be left-wing since the early 1950s in the Communist states, and since the late 1960s for the Left in Western Europe, the United States, and the Third World as well.
Nor is it even surprising that the signers conclude, before they can possibly have access to the evidence needed to reach this judgment, that Israel has engaged in “war crimes.” The indictment of Israel before the facts are in, based on the reports of biased and often intimidated journalists, has been par for the course since the 1960s and has been a major theme of public discussion at least since the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It has also been standard operating procedure for the anti-Israeli majority in the UN General Assembly since the 1960s—yet in this case even UN officials, no constant friends of Israel, have intimated that Hamas is guilty of war crimes both by intentionally targetting Israeli civilians and by using the people of the Gaza Strip as human shields.
Reaching such conclusions on the basis of media reports would be, one would think, less common among professional historians who are trained to follow rigorous standard rules of evidence. In fact, in the name of a political goal these academics have abandoned the standards of their profession. The evidence to support this conclusion is hard to avoid.
Posted by Watcher at 8/28/2014 04:38:00 PM |