I didn't realize AIDS was a natural cause...
(Daily Mail) French experts have ruled out a theory that Yasser Arafat was killed by poisoning, according to a source close to the investigation into the Palestinian leader's 2004 death.
'The report rules out the poisoning theory and goes in the sense of a natural death,' the source told AFP.
The French experts' findings differ significantly from those of Swiss scientists, who said last month that their research offered some support for the suggestion Arafat was killed by polonium poisoning.
Rumours and speculation have surrounded Arafat's death since a quick deterioration of his health saw his passing at a military hospital near Paris in November 2004 at the age of 75.
French doctors were unable to say what killed him and an autopsy was never performed, at the request of his widow.
Both the prosecutors' office in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, which is conducting the French probe, and a lawyer for Arafat's widow Suha refused to comment on the investigation's findings Tuesday.