Monday, October 15, 2012

When is a paedophile not a paedophile? When he's a Muslim as reported by the BBC.

(London) In the UK, at the moment there is a lot of embarrassed faces at the bBC over how for over 40 years, radio and TV stars raped little girls and got away with it. Not only that but it transpires that the bBC may have covered up these crimes in which to save its reputation.

Anyway, the term paedophile is getting banded about something rotten. Funny enough, the bBC (and the left) are trying to put the blame on Maggie Thatcher because she invited Jimmy Saville over for one Christmas,  and so she is automatically guilty of covering up his peccadilloes. Funny enough, what the left don't mention is Maggie was in power from 1979 to 1991. Jimmy Saville worked at the bBC as a DJ and TV star from 1964 to 1994.

Anyway, my eye was caught to another story of a gang of evil paedophiles jailed today on the bBC news web site, and that got me thinking. In all of its reporting of Islamic rapist sex gangs (and we have have seen plenty these past few years) not once did I see the bbC refer to the followers of Islam as... paedophiles. So I did a search on the bBC news website, and guess what, I was right - in over a year of reporting, the bBC does not refer to Islamic sex gangs of being... paedophiles.

Oh, we have sex gangs (Derby sex gang convicted of grooming and abusing girls), child sex offences (Telford brothers convicted of child sex offences jailed), child rape (Rochdale grooming gang leader gets 22 years) and sexual exploitation (Sexual exploitation 'very widespread').

But paedophile? Never.

And people tell me the bBC isn't biased.