Friday, September 14, 2012

"Radical Islamists, not global warming, is the cancer on this world and it must be forcibly removed"

From Washington Times:
Radical Islamists, not global warming, is the cancer on this world and it must be forcibly removed.

While American embassies in Libya, Syria, and many other Arab Muslim nations are under siege, leftist enablers want "dialogue". The 'leftist-that-blame-America' crowd' thinks that an American movie critical of Islam sparked the violence.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

These coordinated attacks on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 were premeditated acts of war. An American diplomat was sodomized and dragged through the streets before being killed. The days of dialogue with radical Islamists and their leftist enablers has to end right now.

No more "diversity." No more "multiculturalism." No more "understanding." No more "root causes." No more political correctness. No more "sensitivity."

No more "appealing to their better nature."

This does not work with Islamists, because like leftists, they do not have one. They hate for the sake of hate.

Leftists blather about "coming together" and then refuse to come together with Republicans against a threat trying to kill us all.

They don't hate the terrorists. They hate George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson, and anybody else wanting to cut taxes and kill terrorists. None of those people have ever murdered anyone.

Islamists murder Americans. Then Governor Romney criticizes President Obama for doing nothing. Liberals excoriate Romney for criticizing their demigod. For once in their miserable lives it would be nice if they hated Islamists more than Republicans

While Americans were mutilated and dehumanized, President Obama continued his campaign tour.

That is the issue. President Obama's critics will stop carping the minute he gets off his moral-high-horse and DOES SOMETHING to solve this problem.

Obama sycophants will say that he is doing something, That taking out a leader here or there by drone is doing something. That is not enough.

They seem to think that President Obama's tired platitudes are solutions. They think "No act of terror will go unpunished" has some weight to it.

Bet that the murderers will get away with it. They know Barack Obama will do nothing.

Liberals will claim that President Obama moved ships into the region. After all, he is making sure the areas are secure so this does not happen again.

That is not good enough. That means every terrorist gets one free pass. You can murder Americans once, but we will make sure you do not do so again. Hillary Clinton uses the word "reprehensible." No, what is reprehensible is that our enemies know we will make empty threats.

The very people who savage Republicans and Neocons on a nightly basis are the ones the Islamists would butcher first.

Has anyone noticed that Rachel Maddow and Anderson Cooper are not reporting from Libya? Homosexuals do not fare well under that "tolerant" ideology.

Let's see Sandra Fluke demand subsidized birth control in Egypt. She would be stoned within minutes. They don't like women, particularly uppity ones.

They are not the only names in the news that will steer clear of Libya and Egypt, amongst others. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz won't be going. She is Jewish. They would rape her and slit her throat before she could flap her Republican-hating gums.

Yet somehow too many liberals praise a president who lets Jews, gays, and women be slaughtered while lambasting a past president who stopped it.
