Saturday, September 8, 2012

Disappearing pro-Israel Democrats

(NYP) As we survey the outcomes of the Democratic National Convention, there are multiple signs that what may have once been a major force within the Democratic party -- the pro-Israel bloc -- is receding and perhaps even disappearing.

First, the Jerusalem-is-Israel's-capital debacle : Why were the words about the Democatic Party's views on Jerusalem changed in the first place? No one knows. Sen. Chuck Schumer, who describes himself as one of the most long-standing pro-Israel Democrats in existence told Charlie Rose that he had no idea why the platform language defining Jerusalem as Israel's capital was changed. But changed it was and then it took a phony-baloney declaration of the "aye have it" to change it back. But if you listen to the audio, it really doesn't sound like the folks in the convention hall want to reinstate the language about Jerusalem and it was only because President Obama had demanded to "fix" the problem that Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa had to go through the embarrassment and confusion of declaring the measure passed when obviously, the majority didn't want it passed.

Second, pro-Israel Democrats stayed away from the proceedings : Natalie Portman didn't appear as part of the celebrity Obama lovefest.

Third, pro-Israel liberals took notice that Israel is not a big seller among rank-and-file Democrats : Jeffrey Goldberg took to Twitter last night during President Obama's speech to observe that Israel just wasn't getting the love that he expected. And this while Obama himself made a apoor showing of his concern for Israel's security when he nearly ignore the Iranian threat.

Lastly, we want to acknowledge that those who are staunch pro-Israel advocates did what they could within the context of their role at the convention to express their concerns about the Democrats' position on Jerusalem. Rabbi David Wolpe, while giving the seond night's closing prayer said this: "For you have taught us that we must count on one another; that our country is strong through community, and that the children of Israel on the way to that sanctified and cherished land, and ultimately to that golden and capital city of Jerusalem, that those children of Israel did not walk through the wilderness alone."

It is deeply worrying that pro-Israel Democrats may have lost their place within their party, but the first step toward change is to acknowledge the problem.