Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pallywood fake deaths: Exposed.

(Gaza) The recent bout of blood letting between Gaza and Israel has, as per usual, led to cries of 'Genocide' from the anti-Israeli crowd. According to the media, the IDF has pounded the tiny enclave relentlessly since last Friday. Meanwhile, the peace loving inhabitants of the democratically founded state of Gaza have launched over 300 missiles (the vast majority containing a 45kg warhead packed with over 3,000 ball bearings) into their much larger neighbour.

So how many air strikes constitutes a 'pounding'? Because from the figures made public the IDF had conducted only 17 air strikes by Sunday. Meanwhile, those over 300 missiles launched from Gaza, well, that was only a pin-prick compared to the onslaught carried out by those 17 air strikes by the most sophisticated, powerful and supposedly the most belligerent air force in the region.

I mean, let's be honest here - if a 45kg warhead armed with over 3,000 ball bearings had impacted on a block of flats inside Gaza, there would be a lot more than 25 dead, and that is but one round. So 17 air strikes resulting in 25 dead... well, something isn't quite right, is it? I mean, if Israel really did pound the crap out of Gaza, you know, that most densely populated region of the world, you'd think the death toll would be in the thousands. But it isn't. It is 25. So either the IDF are really crap at their job, or somebody is telling porkies.

Which brings me to this little story spreading like wildfire amongst the liberal and Islamic jetset.

Long live Palestine is a Twitter account held by Khulood Badawi, and the other day she tweeted a photo of a poor man who held his dead daughter in his arms after she had been caught in the explosive aftermath of an Israeli airstrike.

Oh how the left are up in arms over this despicable act where an innocent child has been killed by the heavy handed response by the Israeli military to a few home-made rockets from inside Gaza.

But here's the catch. It transpires that the photo Khulood has uploaded and which has now become the standard bearer for Israeli intransigence isn't from last weekend but rather from 2006. And the child's injuries? She fell off a swing. Funny enough, even in 2006, Hamas tried the Israeli air strike angle with that photo, and when the facts came out, Reuters had to issue a retraction. But to the Jew haters, the photo is for real.

Funny that.