Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Nine State Attorneys General Cite 21 Illegal Actions by Obama Administration

( – The Obama administration through regulatory agencies, mandates, lawsuits and threats of lawsuits, has broken the law and overstepped its constitutional bounds, said a report released Monday from nine Republican state attorneys general.

The report cited prominently the individual mandate to purchase health insurance and the mandate for employers – without a conscience exemption – to cover the cost of employee abortifacients, sterilization and contraception under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obama care.

The report focused on what the attorneys general considered the administration’s attacks on religious liberty, unconstitutional environmental regulations, illegal recess appointments, and lawsuits to stop state laws regarding voter ID and immigration.

“One of the ways in which attorneys general protect the integrity of state laws and constitutions is by carefully reviewing the actions of the federal government and responding when they break the law or overstep the bounds of the Constitution,” said the memo titled, “A Report on Obama Administration Violations of Law.”

It said, “Through the collective review by a committee of Attorneys General from nine of the 50 states, the group identified more than 21 illegal actions from this administration and is highlighting the effects of the federal overreach on our citizens and states.”

The state attorneys general who put the report together were Tom Horne of Arizona; Pam Bondi of Florida; Sam Olens of Georgia; Bill Schuette of Michigan; Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma; Marty Jackley of South Dakota; Alan Wilson of South Carolina; Greg Abbott of Texas; and Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia.
