Friday, September 13, 2024

Syria: Israel carries out audacious raid on underground Iranian missile base inside Syria

(Masyaf) So last Sunday (8th Sept 2024) It was reported that Israel carried how numerous air strikes across Syria including the Scientific Studies and Research Center in Masyaf (Which is believed to be used by Syria as a development centre for missiles and chemical weaponry)

Well , it is now coming out in the wash, that the entire rash of airstrikes across Syria, was not only a  huge diversion , but also used to degrade Syrian Air defence in which to allow IDF special forces to carry out a raid on an underground Iranian missile base to the south west of Masyaf who choppered in, entered the underground base, killed a load of Syrian guards, captured a number of Iranians working there, set explosives, blew the place up and left ASAP. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Interlude: America : A horse with no name

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Russia: Ukraine takes out a Ammo dump containing North Korean Ballistic missiles

(Soldatskoe) On the evening of the 7th Sept 2024, Kyiv carried out a drone attack on a Russian Ammunition compound in the village of Soldatskoe Voronezh Oblast

Yes, Ukraine has struck numerous Russia ammunition compounds since Feb 2022, but this one is slightly different as it was used to hold KN-23 Ballistic Missiles supplied by North Korea.

Basically its the North Korean version of the Russian Iskander M Ballistic missile, which has been purchased on mass by Moscow to make up the deficit in Short range Ballistic Missiles it has suffered due to its 3 day special operation now approaching the 3 year point.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Interlude: Paul McCartney- Hard days Night