Thursday, September 29, 2022
Interlude: The Hollies - Stop Stop Stop
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/29/2022 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, September 22, 2022
Interlude: The Mixtures - The Pushbike Song
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/22/2022 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: Good Music

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Switzerland to purchase 36 F35s
(Bern) In something of a surprise,
Switzerland blocked a referendum demanded by 2 political parties (the Socialist
Party and the Greens) over the Governments plans to purchase thirty six F35 stealth
jets. As is the case in Switzerland, if you want to question anything the
government proposes you garner 100K signatures which allows that Government
proposal to be thrown at the public allowing them to vote on the matter. This
we saw take place in 2014, when the purchase of 22 Gripen aircraft was rejected
in which to replace Switzerland’s aging F5 fighter aircraft which had been in
service since 1978. It seems that the Government knowing it couldn’t allow another rejection in which to update its airforce,
simply said no and went ahead with the purchase of the F35 of which the first 4
will be built in the US, with the remainder in Italy, Bern is looking at 2030
for when the aircraft will become operational.
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/20/2022 11:01:00 PM |

Labels: Switzerland, Weapons news

Monday, September 19, 2022
Interlude: Kirsty MacColl - There's A Guy Works Down The Chip Shop Swears He's Elvis
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/19/2022 03:59:00 PM |

Labels: Good Music

Sunday, September 11, 2022
Ukraine: So exactly what has just happened in the North East (Part 3)
(Kharkiv) So the Ukraine having tied up the vast majority of the Russian teeth arms on the West bank of the Dnieper, decided to launch their real offensive on Thursday evening, catching the Russians completely off guard resulting in the worst defeat Moscow has suffered since WW2. As i have already explained what transpired in the 2 posts beofre this , I'll allow the infographics below to tell their story.
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/11/2022 08:29:00 PM |

Ukraine: So exactly what has just happened in the south (Part 2)
(Kharkiv) Here is a little more detail on that Ukrainian counter attack. As mentioned Kyiv hinted that with Russia with so its called clear set goals in the east of the country (the capture and annexation of the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts,) which they had achieved in the latter and were on the cusp of achieving in the former, they didn’t see Moscow going any further there, so could afford to take it easy there and instead turn their attention to the south where Moscow has crossed the river Dniper , captured the city of Kherson and a lot of the surrounding area. If they could defeat the Russians here, not only would they regain control of the city of Kherson, but with the river in the way, it would be easily defendable. Moscow listening to all of the decided in July to redeploy a load of its battle groups to Kherson, meanwhile the Ukraine continued in promoting its Kherson summer offensive by striking ammo dumps, airfields, HQs supply routes as well as the 3 bridges
So since the start of Sept (these past 12
days) the Ukraine has made few moves against a very powerful Russian force, which
gave Moscow the impression that relocating their troops was the right move. They cashing
in on the lack of Ukrainian troops (helped by misinformation on social media regards
large numbers of Ukrainian casualties) started to peddle the line that the
Ukrainians had suffered a huge defeat. With the Western media taking a much
more conciliatory stance on what is happening in Kherson.
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/11/2022 07:45:00 PM |

Ukraine: So exactly what has just happened there? (Part 1)
(Kharkiv) Well what an eventful past 4 days in the Ukraine with the home side hitting Moscow with a sucker punch which dazed the entire Russian Command and Control (C2) system allowing the Ukraine to cash in on that brain freeze and retake hundreds of square miles of occupied territory , capturing a huge number of strategic nodes (Rail transport hubs, Supply areas, lines of communication and HQs) and inflicting huge losses on the Russian military in the process, losses Moscow really cannot afford to lose in either men ,equipment but worst of all the loss in moral. So what exactly happened.
What most people failed to notice, was that the Ukraine destroyed the 3 mainbridges across the Dniper river after the Russians crossed over in effect not to stop the Russians from resupplying the troops on the West bank but rather to lock them in place.
With a large amount of Russian land based offensive capability, out of the way and locked in place. Kyiv on Thursday evening launched its real summer offensive in the east in the Kharkiv region and within 24 hours had routed the defending Russian 1st Army over 50 miles capturing the important rail hub of Kup'yans'k (the main Russian supply route into the Ukraine ) capturing the city of Izyum (Used as a major stores hub by Moscow)
I honestly presumed that Kyiv would dig in and settle down for the winter seeing as they had the wide Oskil River between them and the Russians with Winter only weeks away. But no, since Friday evening (now Sunday Evening) they have taken the fight to Moscow and retaken even more land and are currently just north of the city of Severodonetsk which Moscow captured to great fanfare in July. Meanwhile the vast bulk of the mighty Russian armed forces are still trapped on the West bank of the Dniper River and with the inability to be either resupplied (all the Bridges are down) under constant fire from the Ukrainians who are still attacking. Anyway Ive kept things simple for ease of digestion for the not so miltary minded folks out there.#UkraineRussianWar #UkraineWillWin #Ukrainian #Izjum #UkraineUnderAttaсk #ukrainansota Witajcie. Mapa poprawiona i uzupełniona do 10 września, godzina 16 . Podkreślam to moja wizja tej ofensywy . Pozdrawiam , proszę podać dalej . Dziękuje
— Martinn (@Martinnkaaaa) September 10, 2022
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/11/2022 05:16:00 PM |

Friday, September 9, 2022
Germany: Police shoot dead Allah Ackba screaming Knifeman
(Ansbach) So last night (8/09/22) a 30 year old failed Afghan asylum seeker attacked a 17 year young whilst armed with 2 butchers knives, managing to hold him down, lucky for the lad, somebody else managed to knock the assailant off and both ran off, but still pursued by the Afghan.
Police who arrived at the scene then found themselves targeted by said knifeman whilst he screamed at them that he worked for 'Alis snack bar", unfortunately for him he found out that hard way the adage "Never bring a knife to a gunfight" is tru, tru oh its tru. Three shots later and it was all over for the Afghan on this plane ofA man randomly stabbed two people while shouting “Allahu Akbar” in Ansbach, Germany.
— Helvetia 🇨🇭 (@bsdhvt) September 9, 2022
During the police intervention, the man attacked the police officers who opened fire and fatally wounded him.
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/09/2022 06:43:00 PM |

Labels: Germany, Islamic Jihad

Thursday, September 8, 2022
Interlude: Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moi
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/08/2022 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: Good Music

Sunday, September 4, 2022
Interlude: Alain Bashung - Osez Joséphine
Posted by pounce_uk at 9/04/2022 02:02:00 PM |

Labels: Good Music