Friday, August 30, 2019
Interlude: The Jags - Back Of My Hand
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/30/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, August 29, 2019
Iran: Still playing silly buggers on the high seas with that Oil tanker
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2019 08:59:00 PM |

Labels: Iran

Irans: Latest missile, sorry space program launch blows up on the launch pad
(Tehran) Whilst the mad mullahs continue to play the victim card at the hamds of POTUS regards their ballistic missile program which they claim they don't have. Today saw the third failure of an attempt by Iran to laumch a rocket into space. Yup it appears that after lighting the blue touch paper and walking away the rocket blew up in the Mad mullahs face.
Now before anybody starts to complain about my post, in July 2015 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 which in a nutshell placed heavy limits on Irans ballistic missile program and since then we have seen Iran carry out the following tests:
- On 10 October 2015, Iran tested its Emadmissile that has a declared range of 1700 km and a new precision guidance system
- On 21 November 2015, Iran reportedly carried out a test of the Ghadr 110, having a range variously reported between 1500 and 2000 km.
- On 8 and 9 March 2016, Iran test fired several missiles, including the Qiam 1.
- On 29 January 2017, Iran tested the medium-range Khorramshahr ballistic missile that flew 600 miles before exploding, in a failed test of a re-entry vehicle.
- On 23 September 2017, Iran tested another ballistic missile after showing it off at a military parade in Tehran.
- During January 2018, six live Qiam missiles were fired into an ISIS stronghold in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province
- Between February and August 2018, Iran conducted seven test flights: one Khorramshahr, two Shahab-3 variants, one Qiam and three Zolfaghar ballistic missiles. According to the president of the U.N. Security Council, was “in violation of resolution 2231” because the missiles were all category I systems under the Missile Technology Control Regime and capable of carrying nuclear warheads.
- In August 2018, Iran’s defence ministry unveiled two new missiles: the Fakour and the “Fateh Mobin” (Bright Conqueror), the latest addition to the Fateh-series of short-range tactical ballistic missiles with a range of about 1,300 kilometres (810 miles).
- On Dec. 1, 2018, the Khorramshahr medium-range ballistic missile was tested at its facility near Shahrud, in northeast Iran.
- On Feb. 2, 2019, Tehran announced the successful test of the Hoveizeh cruise missile with a range of more than 1,350 kilometres (838 miles) during celebrations marking the 40th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
- On Feb. 7, 2019, the Dezful ballistic missile was unveiled, with a range of 1,000 kilometres (600 miles). Iran’s Press TV quoted Hajizadeh as saying the Revolutionary Guards will “continue missile tests … and plan to carry out more than 50 missile tests each year.”
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/29/2019 07:59:00 PM |

Labels: Iran

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
UK: RAF Museum visit
(London) Took a trip to the RAF museum in North London . Situated 5 mins from Colindale Tube st. Well worth a visit (and its free)
![]() |
Hawker Hurricane 1 |
Sopwith F1 Camel |
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/28/2019 10:27:00 AM |

Labels: UK

Friday, August 23, 2019
Interlude: La traviata: 'Brindisi' ('The Drinking Song')
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/23/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Sunday, August 18, 2019
Afghanstan: Bomb detonated inside Shia wedding, 63 killed.
The target last night was a wedding held in the capital attended by hundreds where some idiot decided to detonate a bomb inside the women’s section resulting in (so far) 63 people being killed and another 182 injured. ISIS, that well known bunch of so called peaceful bigots have put their hand up to carrying out this murderious attack.As if 63 lives didn’t perish on this spot last night. As if hundreds others weren’t scarred for what remains of their life (if one can call it that).— Mujib Mashal (@MujMash) August 18, 2019
- the wedding hall in Kabul that was targeted by a suicide bomber last night.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/18/2019 04:00:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, Islamic Jihad

UK: Ali jailed for 25 years for murdering a women who refused to have sex with him.
In court it was revealed that Karar with no previous convictions, came to England from Sudan four years ago after he was detained and injured following a peaceful demonstration. he studied English at a college in Newcastle for six months before coming to Leeds, falling in with the wrong crowd and taking drugs including alcohol. He said his family have a history of mental health problems and he has had them since he was a child, which were exacerbated by the use of drugs. He wished to express his remorse to the victim's family, who were seated in the public gallery.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/18/2019 02:00:00 AM |

Labels: Honour killings, Islamic intolerance, Multiculturalism, small dick syndrome, UK, Womans rights

Israel: The hate that Arab children are brainwashed with.
(Jerusalam) So the liberal world is awash with fake anger over how the Israeli government banned two Islamic congresswomen who decideing not to visit the country with 72 other freshmen members of congress decided to go it alone in which to ensure that they would be banned in which to make themselves out to be victims of the Jewish state. This hatred was plain to see after Rashida Tlaib on being refused, then wrote a letter asking if she could be allowed to visit her frail 90 year old grandmother. yet when her wish was accepted, she refused. says it all.
That hatred of the jewish state is drummed into palestinian children (and now western children) from an early age. So whislt the liberal and Islamic world vents its spleen over a situation of these two bigots own making. How many here heard about a knife attack carried out on Police (Yes Police) by two little children. the other day. No, here it is on video:
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/18/2019 12:00:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Israel

Saturday, August 17, 2019
Iraq: Closes down airspace to all flights after Iranian bomb store exploded.
However this is the Middle East, which is why former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Baha al-Araji is pushing the line of :انفجار هائل بمستودع أسلحة جنوب #بغداد.. وتقارير عراقية تؤكد تبعيته للحشد الشعبي وفرار سكان المنازل القريبة بعد أن طالتهم الشظايا #إرم_نيوز #العراق #Iraq— إرم نيوز (@EremNews) August 12, 2019
“We believe the weapons depot was targeted by an oppressive colonial state on the basis of a treasonous Iraqi act,”
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/17/2019 11:03:00 PM |

Labels: Common-sense, Iraq, Islamic denial

Israel: 5 terrorists killed as they tried to sneak into the country from Gaza.
Unfortunately for these 5 terrorists they were spotted and in a very short battle consisting of a helicopter gunship and a tank on one side and 5 lightly armed idiots on the other. The 5 men gave their lives for nothing other than to allow Hamas to send the message to their Iranian backers that they are willing to die (as Sunni Muslims) for Shia money.We just identified a number of armed suspects from Gaza approaching the security fence with Israel. We fired towards them.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) August 17, 2019
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/17/2019 07:19:00 PM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, IDF

Friday, August 16, 2019
Interlude: Boney M. - Daddy Cool
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/16/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Saturday, August 10, 2019
Norway: Gunman arrested inside mosque.
But get this, he was overpowered by a 75 year old man, who after placing him in a choke hold sat on him until the police arrived. Thankfully the mosque was virtually empty at the time and the only injured people were the gunman and the brave pensioner who took him down.
After he was arrested, people searching his home address found the body of a woman. what an idiot and well done to the brave man who took him down.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/10/2019 11:21:00 PM |

Morroco: Belgium school children carrying out volunteer work, forced to leave country due to death threats for wearing…shorts.
Which is why 40 school children from Belgium found themselves in the village of Adar helping build up the infrastructure.
Problem was pictures of the children wearing shorts as they worked upset people who were over 300 miles away who protested that they should be beheaded for offending Islam. A member of Parliament demanded to know why European women were wearing beachwear whilst working.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/10/2019 02:25:00 PM |

Labels: Belgium, Islamic intolerance, Morocco

Gaza: IDF strikes Hamas outposts after foiling Terrorist attempt to breach border.
(Gaza) After a bunch of heavily armed (But peaceful) Hamas terrorists were foiled in an attempt to sneak into Israel in which to carry out a mission of murder, death kill in return for the $30 million a month their Iranian masters decided to throw their way as of last week.
The IDF decided to return the favour and bomb a number of Hamas outposts during the night.Quite a lot of gunfire between militants and the IDF tonight at the #Gaza border. #Israel— Joe Truzman (@Jtruzmah) August 10, 2019
Ah, the IDF have stated that they killed 4 Hamas thugs:דיווחים ברצועת עזה: חיל האוויר תקף הלילה עמדות חמאס באזור חן יונס - ככל הנראה כתגובה לניסיון חדירה מהרצועה @OrHeller— חדשות 13 (@newsisrael13) August 10, 2019
We just identified a number of terrorists from Gaza approaching Israel, armed with AK-47 assault rifles, RPG grenade launchers & grenades—one of which was thrown. Once one of the terrorists crossed into Israel, our troops opened fire.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) August 10, 2019
The terrorists were neutralized.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/10/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, IDF, Islamic Jihad

UK: Mohamed arrested and charged for savage machete attackon policeman
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/10/2019 12:20:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, UK

Friday, August 9, 2019
Eygpt: Finds out the true cost of buying Chinese weapons
(Cario) As a child I wanted to purchase some cheap aftershave advertised on the telly.
My mum took me to oneside and pointed out that often buying cheap means buying twice. I was pointed in the direction of the proper stuff, which whilst more expensive, actually works out cheaper due to its better projection/silage/longevity.
It appears that the military in Eygpt should have taken my mums advice as well. It's come out in the wash that of around 10 Chinese CH-4B drones (Chinese version of the Reaper drone) only 1 is in working condition,
![]() |
Saudi CH4 UAV |
As my mum said:
Buying cheap means buying twice.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/09/2019 08:39:00 PM |

Labels: Egypt, Weapons news

Interlude: Gary Glitter - I'm The Leader of The Gang
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/09/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Sunday, August 4, 2019
India: Tensions rise yet again between nuclear armed India and Pakistan
(Kashmir) How many times have
you heard somebody state that if Israel was to disappear overnight, then Islam wouldn’t
have any reason to carry out acts of terrorism. The left, liberals and the do-gooders sign up
to such a warped mindset in which to excuse their anti-Semitism and yet none of
them mention Kashmir.
Between July and August , Hindus flock to the Amarnathshrine in their hundreds of thousands, Pakistan knowing this sends in idiots to murder death kill as many people as it can. Which is why since 2000 hundreds of pilgrims have been killed by Islamic religious bigots .Over the past 2 days, Indian security forces have foiled several attempts by Pakistan's Border Action Team(BAT) to infiltrate into the country and cause havoc killing at least 14 Pakistani soldiers inside India in 2 of those attempt. Realising that in being so open with its troops, Pakistan is set on murder death kill on Hindu pilgrims . India has taken the decision to close the shrine repatriate 300,000 pilgrims out of Kashmir and reinforce the area with 30,000 troops as a show of strength. Naturally the Pakistani’s aren’t happy and have opined to the world what victims they are over their failed attempts to invade another country.
We see the same in Israel and anywhere else muslims have a land issue with non-muslims. So much for a relgion of peace then.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/04/2019 07:35:00 PM |

Labels: India, Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Pakistan

Iran: Says it has taken another Oil tanker. thing is, it is anything but.
(Arabian Gulf) So today whilst the US was looking in at itself over a couple of mass shootings. The Iranians decided to waylay another ship, the mad mullahs are claiming its a tanker, that was smuggling oil from iran to elsewhere but video from Iranin TV shows a different type of vessel completly .
So if the tanker wasn't a tanker, (Actually its a small offshore supply ship with a 7 man crew) then exactly just who are the mad mullahs sending a message to? My money is on Europe, in the hope that they side with Iran as the victim with the rewards of rich trade deals (looks at Germany and France) as their 5 peices of silver and isolate the US. Who knows maybe in the future the EUSSR will join ranks with iran, Russia and China in which to form a new world order. Think I'm kidding the left across Europe aren't happy how the Uk is leaving the EU. Its appears the UK didn't get the memo that:The first video of an oil tanker seized by the #IRGC in the Persian Gulf as it was smuggling #fuel to some Arab countries. #OilTanker #PersianGulf #Iran— Press TV (@PressTV) August 4, 2019
- Denmark got in 1992 when they voted agains the EU (EU told them to vote again and this time they voted yes)
- Ireland got it in 2001 when they voted no (EU told them to vote again and and then voted yes)
- That France and Holland got when they voted agaisnt the EU in 2005 (The EU simply ignored that vote)
- Ireland got it again in 2008 when they voted no to the EU (EU told them to vote again and this time they voted yes)
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/04/2019 03:21:00 PM |

Labels: Iran

Friday, August 2, 2019
UK: 5 Months after Soldier attacked on streets of London , politically correct MET police issue photo of assialent.
(London) At around 0320hrs on the 31st of January this year in the middle of Londons Theatre district , a British soldier in mess kit was viciously assulated .
Yesterday 5 months after the incident the politically correct British Metroploitan police force decided (yes decided) to issue the photo of the assilant in which to ask the public for help in identifying him.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/02/2019 12:37:00 PM |

Labels: British Plod, double standards, Islamization, left-wing lunacy, Political Correctness, Race-hate, Stupid twats

Interlude: The Police - Walking On The Moon
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/02/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Kenya: Muslims save Christian workers from Terrorist attack
According to local media reports, Muslims told them to quickly leave the construction site and helped them to safety. They then confronted the gunmen, and fed them false information regards the Christians ,the gunmen left firing their guns into the air in which to express their anger.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/02/2019 12:00:00 AM |

Labels: Kenya

Thursday, August 1, 2019
Israel: The arrest of 2 children by the IDF shows the disgusting Hamas mindset
Hours later the IDF arrested 2 Palestinian boys (aged 11 and 15) who also crossed the border into Israel. What I can’t understand is how 2 young children bypassed all the Hamas patrols and entered Israel without them knowing. Could it be they wanted the IDF after what had transpired hours before to shoot first and ask questions later. Can you imagine the faux moral outrage which we would have seen from Hamas if those 2 children had been killed.At 2AM last night, a Hamas terrorist—armed with a Kalashnikov and grenades—infiltrated into Israel from Gaza and tried to carry out an attack in an Israeli community a mile away.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) August 1, 2019
Emphasis on the "tried".
We neutralized the terrorist.
Makes you wonder about the Hamas mindset doesn’t it.
Posted by pounce_uk at 8/01/2019 11:27:00 PM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, Pallywood