Friday, March 29, 2019
Interlude: The Firm - Star Trekkin'
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/29/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Friday, March 22, 2019
Interlude:Mud Tiger Feet
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/22/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Turkey: Turkish President tells New Zealand to restore the death penalty or they will make make the country pay.
(Ankara) President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday called on New Zealand to restore the death penalty for the gunman who killed 50 people at two Christchurch mosques, warning that Turkey would make the attacker pay for his act if New Zealand did not. Speaking at a rally ahead of local election Erdogan sent his message to Welligton:
"You heinously killed 50 of our siblings. You will pay for this. If New Zealand doesn't make you, “
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/19/2019 10:54:00 PM |

Labels: Australia, Islamic intolerance, New Zealand, Turkey

Monday, March 18, 2019
Holland: Gun attack by Turk sees 3 killed, several injured.
After the shooting Gokmen fled the area in a red car which has since been found abandoned
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Gokmen Tanis minutes before the shooting on the tram |
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The scene of the attack |
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Police lay siege to apartment block |
Whilst the Dutch are referring to this incident as an act of terrorism, I do have to ask, has all the promotion of a western malaise of white racial hated -aka Islamophobia- over the attack in New Zealand resulted in this. A political and religious agenda I should add which has whilst having no problem painting all white people as intolerant racist bigots does exactly the opposite when the culprit isn't. Then we are told it is the work of a lone wolf, that the person has mental health issues and that the killers actions in no way represent (quite correctly) the majority of Muslims who live peacefully.
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/18/2019 10:54:00 AM |

Friday, March 15, 2019
Gaza: Hamas shoots into crowds of protesting Gazans
(Gaza) Yesterday thousands of people protested on the streets of Gaza agaisnt Hamas, yes you read that right Hamas. In response Hamas opened fire into the crowds of protesters and then for good measure launch two rockets at Tel Aviv, in which to ensure that Israel would strike back , in which to allow it to regain the Islamic moral high ground inside the tiny state. which might also explain why no protests were held agaisnt Israel today. Funny that.
I just want
to know where is the UN, where is the Media and where are the ethical latte drinkers
in which to condemn this act of violence. Oh that’s right there isn’t any as
only Israel can be guilty of violence by the above. Oh look…squirrel. Here's how those attacks were reported on local social media.
As an Iranian Muslim, I salute those brave Palestinians protested today against Hamas Terrorists in Gaza.— Salman Sima (@SalmanSima) March 15, 2019
Their slogan: "We want to live!"
Unlike in Gaza, the right to peaceful protest is protected in Israel. World will be a better place without Hamas.#بدنا_نعيش#الترنس_يجمعنا
مسيرات تعم قطاع غزة، ضد الغلاء وارتفاع الأسعار والضرائب وامن حماس يقوم بقمع هذه المسيرات الان .#بدنا_نعيش #الترنس_يجمعنا— Hussein Jamal (@Hussein_Gaza) March 14, 2019
Hamas, the terrorist org that occupies Gaza since 2007, has opened fire on hundreds of Palestinians who protested today against its responsibility for their miserable lives.— Ofir Gendelman (@ofirgendelman) March 14, 2019
They said: "We want to live!"
Hamas said: "We will kill you for saying this". #بدنا_نعيش #الترنس_يجمعنا
Within 24 hours our brothers #Hamas, shot 100's of Palestinians who protested against their destroying our lives.— Gaza News Agency (@GazaNewsAgency) March 15, 2019
We said "We want to live!"
Hamas said: "We will kill you". #بدنا_نعيش #الترنس_يجمعنا
Then they attacked the Jews to #Gaza #Palestine
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/15/2019 12:50:00 PM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza

Gaza: Israel carries out over 100 strikes on Hamas Targets
(Gaza) You can tell there's an election inside Israel next month after the IDF carried out over 100 strikes on Hamas targets inside the tiny state in response to the Terrorists groups penchant for lobbing missiles into Israel for no reason whatsoever.
Among the targets struck was an HQ responsible for guiding Hamas terror activities in Judea and Samaria, the underground main manufacturing site of standard-grade rockets in the Gaza Strip In addition, a post of the Hamas naval force, a military training site that served as the Hamas centre of unmanned aerial aircrafts. In addition, posts and a number of underground facilities were also targeted.RAW FOOTAGE: Earlier this evening, air raid sirens sounded in #Tel Aviv after two rockets were launched from #Gaza at Israel.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) March 14, 2019
As mentioned above, there's an election inside Israel next month and it appears that the ruling party wants to remain in power by playing the we act hard on terrorists card. For some very strange reason the usual protests organised by Hamas by children on the border with Israel has been canceleld for today.We hit 100 Hamas military targets in Gaza in response to the rockets they fired at Israeli civilians. Among them:— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) March 15, 2019
• Underground rocket manufacturing site
• HQ responsible for orchestrating Hamas terrorism in Judea & Samaria
• Hamas center of unmanned aerial aircraft#StopHamas
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/15/2019 08:00:00 AM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, IDF

New Zealand: Mosque shootings kill 49
"Just a ordinary White man, 28 years old. Born in Australia to a working class, low income family. My parents are of Scottish, Irish and English stock. I had a regular childhood, without any great issues. I had little interest in education during my schooling, barely achieving a passing grade. I am just a regular White man, from a regular family. Who decided to take a stand to ensure a future for my people. A private and mostly introverted person" and admits he is racist, adding that he is an "Eco-fascist by nature".He said New Zealand was not the original choice for an attack, saying he only came to the country temporarily to plan and train. On his planning for the attack, he wrote: "I began planning an attack roughly two years in advance and an attack at the location in Christchurch three months in advance."What a maroon
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/15/2019 06:16:00 AM |

Labels: New Zealand, Race-hate, Racism, Terrorism

Interlude: Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/15/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Friday, March 8, 2019
Interlude: Chicory Tip - Son Of My Father
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/08/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
UK: Afghan jailed for arranging an acid attack on his 3 year old son.
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clockwise from top left, Jan Dudi, Jabar Paktia, Norbert Pulko, Adam Cech and Saied Hussini |
Adam Cech, Jan Dudi, Norbert Pulko, Martina Badiova, Saied Hussini, and Jabar Paktia all received sentences of 12 years for their part in the attack. Whilst the child suffered serious burns to his face and arms, his injuries were mitigated by the swift action carried out by a member of staff
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/06/2019 12:30:00 PM |

Labels: Afghanistan, asylum seekers, child abuse, Islamic intolerance

Tuesday, March 5, 2019
UK: Police woman told she wasn't a true Muslim after she saved a mans life.
(London) Sunday evening at a fastfood joint in North London a man cut his own throat in public and his life was saved by a policewoman who happened to be a Muslim
As she was saving his life, the usual crowed of idiots stood to the side and started taking selfies, now if you think that was bad, some of them took to abusing the Police woman for not being a ......True Muslim.
Yesterday one of my officers was accused of not being a 'proper' Muslim because she wears the uniform. As she helped a man who cut his own throat. By a crowd who were taking selfies of the incident. I don't understand how that logic works, but I know I'm very proud of her. 8164— BTP London (@BTPLondon) 4 March 2019
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/05/2019 06:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, UK

France: Jailed terrorist carries out terrorist attack inside prison.
(Alençon) A prison in Normandy was in lock down after 27 year old jihadist inmate Michael Chiolo who was jailed in 2012 for his part in the kidnap, torture and murder of a 89-year-old Holocaust survivor carried out a terrorist knife attack on 2 prison guard.
It transpires that Micheal was given a ceramic knife by his wife who had smuggled it into prison during a weekend conijcal visit. As the visit came to an end he decided to attack 2 guards in the family room whilst uttering those immortal words:
"Allah Ackba"
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/05/2019 04:01:00 PM |

Labels: France, Islamic Jihad

Monday, March 4, 2019
Holland: Extremely offensive banner placed outside mosque
(Hague) On Sunday morning, supporters from the far right anti-Muslim group Pegida placed an offensive banner outside the As-Soennah mosque in The Hague. The banner which read in dutch:
"Prophet Muhammad children f*****"
What is it with these idiots who are willing to ignite a race war, the last I looked people have been killed for less across Europe for less. People I should, who are innocents. I wonder of these wankers will be still laughing when the next atrocity in Holland blames the above as the reason why.De neo-nazi's van #Pegida hebben wederom een gebedshuis aangevallen. Vandaag was het de beurt aan moskee As-Soennah in Den Haag.— Arnoud van Doorn (@ArnoudvDoorn) March 3, 2019
De #PvdE eist nu harde actie van de overheid om deze haat te stoppen.
Genoeg =genoeg 😡
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/04/2019 09:00:00 AM |

Labels: Holland, Stupid twats, useful idiots

Sweden:Green Party Blames Swedes for rise in Migrant crime.
(Stockholm) The Green party in Sweden have ignited a right heated conflab with how they point the finger of blame for the huge rise in Immigrant crime in the country at the Swedish people.
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Manuel Cortez Azero and Hedda Berkesand |
"The beginning and the end of the problem lies in the Swedes' national chauvinism"
"The Swedes said they were willing to make cultural compromises and integrate with the newcomers. In practice, however, the new Swedes have to switch their cultural identity and expression almost entirely to be able to enter society. Therefore, we have assimilation, not integration"
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/04/2019 08:00:00 AM |

Labels: Common-sense., left-wing lunacy, Political Correctness, Sweden

France: Usual suspects riot after 2 thugs killed after they hit coach during chase.
(Grenoble) So on Saturday evening French police responded to a call about 2 thugs on a scooter hitting car wing-mirrors, driving without lights and riding
on the pavement. On spotting the likely suspects they gave chase. The two young helmet less lads (Aged 17 and 19) must have presumed that getting away would be easy and led the police a merry chase until they attempted to pass a coach on a slip road. The driver seeing the chase pulled over to the right to allow the vehicles to pass, problem was the scooter also picked the right to undertake the coach and ended up getting crushed between a coach and a very hard place.
Naturally the usual suspects have played the race card regards the untimely deaths of two of their finest and so as is customary in France, these idiots have decided to riot in which to express their anger at not being able to Mug,steal or destroy things to their hearts content. Which is why last night saw a second night of rioting resulting in yet more mayhem with a tally of 15 cars burnt out, a building burned down, as well as a dozen vehicle fires which were contained.
🔴 INFO - #Grenoble : Deuxième nuit de tensions dans le quartier Mistral après le décès de deux jeunes poursuivis par des policiers. Une dizaine de voitures, deux engins de chantier, des locaux de la ville et des poubelles ont été incendiés." (Source Snapchat)— FranceNews24 (@FranceNews24) March 4, 2019
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/04/2019 06:37:00 AM |

Labels: French riots

Friday, March 1, 2019
Interlude: Pilot - January
Posted by pounce_uk at 3/01/2019 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music