(Bradford) 31 year old Mohammed Waqar, was jailed last December for sexually abusing a 13 year old child over a period 10 months for a period of 2 years. Solicitor General Robert Buckland QC MP referred the original sentence to the Court of Appeal as unduly lenient and so his sentence has been reviewed and yesterday a court of appeal agreed that his original sentence was far too lenient and so they increased it by another 2 years.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
UK: Mohammed the paedophile has his lenient prison sentence doubled to......4 years
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/31/2018 04:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic rape, UK

UK: Ahmed jailed for raping a woman at gunpoint
(Sheffield) 18 year old dirty Aquib Ahmed felt his sexual urges needed satisfying last April.
"“Don’t tell the police, because if you do, we will be back to blow your heads off.”In court Ahmed was jailed for 15 years regards his inability to chat up a female like a normal human with an extended license period of five years, due to the risk of danger he is deemed to pose to the public. His 16 year old mate was sent down for 6 years but due to European human rights laws, his name has been withheld from public discloser.
What is it about Muslims and rape?
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/31/2018 03:10:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic rape, UK

US: Reaction to President Trumps State of the Union speech regards black employment says it all:
Across the US, identity politic groups love to use the 'R' card in which to promote the mindset that they are poor due to white people, That the current President is racist despite the fact that he has dated black women, that when he opened up his golf club in Mar-a-Lago he opened it up to blacks and Jews which nobody else had bothered doing. So it drew a smile on my face to see the reaction on idiots who promote division as the only means to promote 'Black lives matter' when President Trump stated that Black employment in the US was the highest ever recorded.
Lowest black unemployment rate EVER. Just watch the reaction of those who depend on victim status for support. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/XRPxYYITop— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) 31 January 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/31/2018 11:56:00 AM |

Labels: black lives don't matter, US, useful idiots

France: Another day, another attack on a Jewish child
(Paris) The rise in Anti-Semitism inside France continues with the news that a 8 year old Jewish boy was attacked by 2 teenagers on Monday. The French President has tweeted his disgust:
data-lang="en-gb">France has seen a steady rise in Anti-Semitism . On Monday Kobili Traore, the murderer of French Jewish grandmother Sarah Halimi, was declared fit to stand trial after he played the insanity card for throwing the 65 year old Sarah out of her 3rd story window whilst uttering ‘Allah Ackba’
Un petit garçon de 8 ans a été agressé aujourd’hui à Sarcelles. Parce qu'il portait une kippa. À chaque fois qu’un citoyen est agressé en raison de son âge, de son apparence ou de sa confession, c’est toute la République qu’on agresse. 1/2— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) 31 January 2018
Less than three weeks ago, a 15-year-old girl wearing a uniform for herJewish school and out on lunch break was attacked by an adult man and slashed across the face, according to reports at the time.That attack came one day after a fire at a Kosher grocery store in another Paris suburb called Créteil, which some believed was an attack intended to coincide with the January 2015 attacks in Paris.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/31/2018 09:00:00 AM |

Labels: Anti-Semitism, France

UK: Man who drove van into Muslims, claims Dave did it.
(London) Last June on the 17th Darren Osbourne drove his van into a group of Muslim helping a man who had collapsed and who subsequently died. His court case is currently taking place and despite been apprehended straight away his defence have come out with:
"A man named Dave jumped into the passenger’s side shortly beforehand. Dave then transferred to the driver’s seat, with the van still moving, while Osborne hid in the footwell, before the vehicle hit the group."Really?
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/31/2018 08:11:00 AM |

Labels: Stupid twat.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
India: Muslim leader demands a separate country for the faithful.
“Muslims are the second largest community in India and they are facing harassment and persecution. Pakistan was formed by 170 million Muslims. If Muslims continue to face persecution and harassment, they should ask for separate country within India. It is the high time for them to demand separate country,”
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/30/2018 12:07:00 PM |

Labels: India, Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance

Turkey: 311 people arrested for criticizing military offensive in Syria,
(Ankara) Turkey has stated it has arrested more than 300 people for social media posts criticizing its military offensive in Syria. This comes a day after President Tayyip Erdogan accused the Turkish Medical Association (TTB) of being "terrorist lovers" after they had warned that Turkey's military operation could turn into a humanitarian tragedy. He also added that such comments were a "betrayal", and referred to members of the association as "agents of imperialism".
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/30/2018 07:09:00 AM |

Labels: Turkey

Sunday, January 28, 2018
Mali: Terrorist attack on military base, 14 soldiers killed.
"The Malian armed forces were attacked early this morning, around 4 am, in Soumpi (Timbuktu region). We have recorded 14 dead, 18 wounded and material damage,"
Following this attack, a suicide bomber killed 4 soldiers when he uttered 'Allah ackba' in the town of Ménaka situated in the south of the country on the border with Niger.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/28/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Afghanistan: Terrorist attack on Military academy
(Kabul) Days after a vehicle bomb inside an ambulance murdered 100 people, the pious followers of the religion of peace who insist on killing their way to power are at it again by launching an attack on the Afghan Military academy which is situated in the capital city.
The attack by so called peaceful Muslims resulted in 11 people murdered for allah.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/28/2018 10:35:00 PM |

Labels: Afghanistan

Friday, January 26, 2018
Happy Australia Day
(Australia) Down under the locals are enjoying their national day:
Stoked to see so many of you out and about! Onya legends @kimmirobbo @susie_diver @edenirsantos @josephesposito_ @adrianadelfab @n_is.for.nutella @nadine_drives @leonjpaul @_taraaaaaaa @traceap73 @becca.t.z @jose.mantilla24 @Laura.j0sephine pic.twitter.com/yAVYtRmg6s— Australia Day (@australiaday) January 26, 2018
How are you celebrating? 🇦🇺 #AustraliaDay pic.twitter.com/rJbsrXGeuG— Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver) January 25, 2018
Have you been this good today? 🐶 pic.twitter.com/Q70QplVtzr— Australia Day (@australiaday) January 26, 2018
Represent. #aussieaussieaussie pic.twitter.com/g7xdxt7i3r— Hugh Jackman (@RealHughJackman) January 24, 2018
Got your kits Aussies? 😜🇦🇺 pic.twitter.com/8weJQatowA— Australia Day (@australiaday) January 26, 2018
data-lang="en">However the usual suspects just want to be cunts:
Pretty bloody likely... pic.twitter.com/2QkANptc37— Australia Day (@australiaday) January 26, 2018
data-lang="en">What, I can't understand is if these recent Australian citizens (who travelled halfway across the world in which to seek asylum) feel that the land they live in is stolen, why don't they bugger off to a pure Islamic country where the locals were never supplanted. Which is strange as Islam is only native to the Arabian peninsular, everywhere else it was brought in by invasion and war.
🆘‼😯🔥 Everything you have ever learned about the history of #Australia in school or in books is wrong! The story is now rewritten by Migrants. pic.twitter.com/t1F2NEi4zt— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) January 23, 2018
Funny that.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/26/2018 02:59:00 PM |

Labels: Australia, Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance, left-wing lunacy, Multiculturalism

Why are Muslim unhappy
🆘‼😂💥 Bam! Drum roll! The Muslims Are Unhappy... pic.twitter.com/1vtyp26jwy— Onlinemagazin (@OnlineMagazin) January 25, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/26/2018 02:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic denial

About all those so called illegal Jewish settlers:
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/26/2018 12:36:00 PM |

Labels: Israel

Interlude:New Musik : Living By Numbers
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/26/2018 07:37:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Pakistan: Headmaster shot dead for marking Student down for skipping school, uses blasphemy as an excuse.
It appears Ashraf wasn’t happy for getting marked absent for taking 3 days off in which to attend the violent anti-government protest last year where over 200 people were injured so he shot
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Murdered college principal Sareer Ahmed
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Faheem Ashraf: "I have been taught... to kill... to not be afraid. Don't be afraid of disrespecting the one who" commits blasphemy, "You can kill me," |
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: Honor killings, Islamic intolerance

Libya: Twin bomb attack on Mosque kills 41
(Benghazi) A double car bomb attack which targeted worshippers leaving a mosque after evening prayers has killed 41 people and injured another 80.
The first blast struck at around 2020hrs local time outside the mosque in Benghazi’s central Al Salmani district as worshippers were leaving evening prayers. Some 10 to 15 minutes later, after security and health officials had arrived on the scene, a second, more powerful blast was detonated from a Mercedes parked on the opposite side of the street, hitting an ambulance and causing a higher number of casualties.
Ahmed Fitouri, a Libyan National Army commander in the investigation department and described as a Salafist by some, was killed. Mahdi Al-Fallah, an officer in the intelligence division is understood to have escaped, So this may not have been just some random blood letting.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 09:00:00 PM |

Belgium: Police shoot knife-man at train station.
(Ghent) The security experts in Brussels yesterday advised the Government to reduce its security rating from a threat level of 3 (a serious and credible threat) to 2 (average and
Less than 24 hours later police operating at the main train station in the city of Ghent were forced to shoot a knifeman who attacked them, the man was seriously injured and has been operated on at a local hospital.
data-lang="en">Whilst the authorities have declined to offer any information regards the man who was shot an eye witness interviewed by the state broadcaster VRT quoted a witness who stated:
De spoorwegpolitie heeft vanavond een man neergeschoten in het station Gent-Sint-Pieters. Meer informatie: https://t.co/FFfl7ILcE1 #vrtnws #gent pic.twitter.com/4x8Fq0ePCo— VRT NWS (@vrtnws) January 23, 2018
"A man walked into the station and passed by barely a meter from me, he babbled a foreign language and was waving a knife, the police in the station hall signaled that he had to stop, but he did not listen. Then I heard three shots, the man also had a package with him, I thought it was a bomb,"
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 07:11:00 PM |

Labels: Belgium

Ghana: Undercover President get stopped by corrupt police who demand a Bribe
data-lang="en-gb">What makes it even worse for the Police, is how when he was inaugurated, the President stated he was going to stamp out government corruption.
Ghana President goes undercover driving around the streets of Accra. He is stopped by Ghana Police who did not recognise him & they demanded a bribe..see video. pic.twitter.com/CaC9mWvtzS— Dominic Chimhavi (@DChimhavi) 21 January 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 01:00:00 PM |

Labels: Ghana

Sweden: 5 thugs jailed for murder most foul.
Last January a man working inside a garage in the Sundbyberg suburb of Stockholm was attacked by 5 thugs, despite been shot he managed to make it into his car and drive off towards the nearest hospital, unfortunately for him, the gang gave chase and murdered him on route by ramming his car off the road and then shooting him dead. The attack outside the garage was witnessed by a 39 year old man who informed the police. So in order to clear up that angle the gang followed the man home 6 weeks later after he had walked his dog and broke into his house. He managed to call the police naming his attackers as Fouad Saleh, and Mikael Chamoun but before the police could arrive, he was shot dead and his wife stabbed to death. The police arrived just minutes too late and arrested Saleh, Chamoun and a 17-year-old. On their clothing they found blood from the 39-year-old and his wife.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 12:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Sweden

Germany: 14 year old murdered at school by 15 year old migrant.
It appears that the 15 year old , had just returned from a year’s absence stabbed his victim in the neck in from of his own mother, he was arrested 45 minutes later by the police as he tried to flee along a nearby canal.
Tötungsdelikt im Gebäude der Käthe-Kolwitz- Gesamtschule Lünen. Polizeisprecherin zur Tat. @BILD_Ruhrgebiet @Andreas_Wegener @bild_news pic.twitter.com/IH6KSB8JHU— michael engelberg (@engelberg_ms) January 23, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 10:56:00 AM |

Labels: Germany

Germany: Kurds and Turks hash it out inside Airport.
(Hanover) Kurds in Germany, taking notice of the current cold weather decided to hold a protest regards the ethic cleaning of their own from inside Syria by the Turkish Army and friends. Which is why they descended on Hanover Airport on mass. Turkish travellers took offence and so as witnessed all across the shit holes of the world a fight took place, something which we are seeing increasingly more and more of in the West as these new citizens share all the joys of Islam with us all.
I wonder when other delights of Islam such as misogyny, Anti-Semitism, terrorism and honour killings will reach our shores...No wait.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/23/2018 06:36:00 AM |

Labels: Germany, Hate mongers, Islamic intolerance, Islamic invasion, Islamization

Monday, January 22, 2018
Germany: Medics save life of Afghan who almost drowned whilst trying to murder his girlfriend
The ungrateful Afghan asylum seeker who arrived in Germany in 2015 had to be resuscitated and was then taken to a hospital where he was kept overnight. He is now being investigated for attempted murder.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/22/2018 07:00:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, asylum seekers, Germany

Germany: Child asylum seeker finds sanctuary in Sweden after raping a child
It transpires that Ahmed M, who decided to play doctors and nurses with the little girl after he was left alone with her last year, was noted for how tall he was. He had the beginnings of a mustache and was seriously doubted over his claim to be just 13 at the time of the alleged abuse of the girl. However, prosecutor Corinna Gögge rejected a plea from Emily's father to force him to undergo a test to determine his age.
Anyway, not happy how he had been exposed for his peccadilloes towards little girls, Ahmed packed his bags and relocated to Sweden where he claimed to be a year younger. The Swedes, being f-ing stupid, have granted him asylum and have refused to acknowledge a request from the girl's father for Ahmed to be investigated.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/22/2018 06:00:00 AM |

Labels: Afghanistan, asylum seekers, Common-sense, Germany, Islamic rape, Sweden

Thailand: Market bomb kills 3, injures 22
(Yala) A motorcycle bomb has killed three people and wounded many others at a market in Thailand's insurgency-hit south, police reported:
"The suspects parked the motorcycle in front of a stall selling pork in downtown Yala ... it detonated 10 minutes later killing three civilians and wounding 19 others,"
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/22/2018 04:23:00 AM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Islamic Jihad, Thailand

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Belgium, Netherlands to supplement UNRWA funds cut by U.S.
(JPost) The Netherlands and Belgium pledged a total of $38 million for the UN agency that provides aid to Palestinians following US funding cuts of $110 million.And here is the reason why:
Belgium’s government pledged $23.3 million in extra funding for UNRWA and the Dutch government said it would fast-track another $15 million in funding.
The United States announced its cuts on Thursday. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters that a $45 million payment pledged for the UNRWA food aid program would not go through for the time being. Earlier this week, the US said it would freeze $65 million pledged to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, transferring only $60 million.
According to UNRWA, the United States provided more than $350 million in aid to the organization in 2017.
In the Netherlands, International Aid Minister Sigrid Kaag, who used to work for UNRWA and is married to a Palestinian former Cabinet minister, said she would make available immediately her country’s annual budget of $15 million for UNRWA, which was planned to be dispensed in several payments.The only reason.
Three lawmakers, including one from the ruling People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, submitted questions to Kaag in parliament this week about the decision.
“Why are you fast-tracking funding for UNRWA when there are so many potential groups with urgent needs?” they asked.
Israel has accused UNRWA institutions of harboring terrorist activities against Israel. In October, a Hamas tunnel was discovered under a UNRWA-run school in the Gaza Strip. Israel has also accused UNRWA teachers of using anti-Semitic and anti-Israel textbooks. And Israel has charged that UNRWA’s definition of refugee perpetuates Palestinian intransigence and suffering.
Posted by Watcher at 1/21/2018 11:26:00 AM |

Labels: Belgium, Netherlands, UNRWA

Turkey invades Syria – tanks and soldiers cross the border

(Daily Star) TURKISH military forces are invading Syria after pounding the war-torn country with airstrikes.
Forces entered the country's Afrin province today just 24 hours after pounding the region with airstrikes.
Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim reportedly said they are targeting US-backed Kurdish fighters.
Shocking pictures show dozens of tanks and armoured vehicles crossing over the border in a terrifying display of military might.
But the Syrian-Kurdish YPG militia has denied there is a full-scale invasion underway, claiming forces clashed in Afrin but Turkish soldiers were beaten back.
YPG official, Nouri Mahmoudi, said "all the Turkish military's ground attacks against Afrin have been repelled so far and they have been forced to retreat."
A statement from the militia said: "Our people are holding on to their land and do not accept surrender... we repeat our determination to protect our people in Afrin against the attacks."
Turkey has claimed the massive movement of military hardware into the country is simply to create a 30km-deep "safe zone" in the north of the country.
It came just hours after Turkey launches airstrikes in Afrin, with the military claiming it had hit 153 targets so far, including shelters and hideouts used by Kurdish militants.
But the YPG – which is backed by the United States but classed as a terrorist organisation by Turkey – said they had killed six civilians and three of its fighters.
Turkey has dubbed the action "Operation Olive Branch", which has seen them carry out relentless airstrikes yesterday.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan's spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, wrote on Twitter: "In its second day, OliveBranchOperation continues to ensure peace and security for our people, protect Syria's territorial integrity and eliminate all terrorist elements in the region.
"Turkey expects its allies to support its fight against terrorism in all of its forms."
Turkey's state-run Anadolu news agency reported that four rockets fired from Syria hit the border town of Kilis overnight, damaging houses. Turkish security forces then retaliated, it said.
The operation pits Turkey against Kurdish fighters allied to the US at a time when ties between Ankara and Washington – NATO allies and members of the coalition against ISIS – reach breaking point.
Turkey sees the YPG as an extension of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has carried out a deadly, three-decade insurgency in Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast.
But the US is backing the YPG in Syria, seeing it as an effective partner in the fight against ISIS.
Posted by Watcher at 1/21/2018 11:05:00 AM |

Labels: invasion, Syria, Turkey

Saturday, January 20, 2018
Gaza: Palestinian family executes own member for collaborating with Israel
(INN) A Gazan family said on Friday it had killed one of its relatives, claiming he had helped Israel track down and kill three senior Hamas terrorists, including one of the man’s own kinsmen.
In a statement quoted by Yediot Aharonot, the family of Ahmed Barhoum said it had shot him in the city of Rafah after they were told by Hamas that he had provided information to Israel.
This, the statement said, guided an Israeli air strike during the 2014 Gaza war that targeted the Hamas terrorists.
“In light of our religious and moral commitment we have executed the collaborator Ahmed Barhoum after he was handed over by the resistance factions,” the statement said.
The family said they had listened to their relative’s confession and saw the evidence against him. The Barhoums are one of Rafah’s largest families and well known for their closeness to Palestinian Arab terrorist groups.
Hamas issued a statement praising the Barhoum family’s action as illustrating “its nobleness and deep affiliation with the (anti-Israel) resistance”, according to Yediot Aharonot.
The Israeli military declined to comment.
Israel killed the three Hamas' senior commanders—Rafah Division commander Raed al-Attar, Southern Division commander Mohammed Abu Shmallah and Rafah Division senior commander Mohammed Barhoum—in an air strike in August of 2014.
The targeted killing was a joint operation of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the IDF.
While it is unusual to hear of a family executing their own member over alleged “collaboration” with Israel, it is not unusual that such “spies” are executed in Gaza.
Hamas regularly claims to have captured “Israeli spies”, and many times it tries them and sentences them to death.
In theory all execution orders in the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) territories must be approved by PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, who is based in Ramallah and who imposed a moratorium on executions several years ago.
Hamas no longer recognizes Abbas’s legitimacy, and has in the past emphatically declared that the death penalty in Gaza can be carried out without his consent.
In April, the group hanged three men accused of collaborating with Israel in the killing of senior Hamas commander Mazen Faqha.
Posted by Watcher at 1/20/2018 01:22:00 PM |

Friday, January 19, 2018
Interlude: Haircut 100 - Fantastic Day
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/19/2018 01:00:00 AM |

Labels: Good Music

Thursday, January 18, 2018
Turkey: Helicopter pliot luckeist man alive.
The other day a story broke about how a Turkish pilot evaded a missile attack by the use of skill. It appears the PKK (Kurds) hit a Turkish observation post with a missile and waited for the the Medi-vac helicopter to pop along so as to knock it out of the sky. However, initial videos led to many proclaiming the pilot saw what was happening and took action. it appears that at the end of the day like so many things in war, it was down to pure luck.
Turkish UH-60 evade ATGM fired by PKK in last seconds.— monitoring (@warsmonitoring) 17 January 2018
Clarification for people thinking that pilots somehow saw what is coming. This is pure luck. pic.twitter.com/lVS9X7eBWR
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/18/2018 12:00:00 AM |

Labels: Turkey

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
UN: Upset at how the US has cut funding to the warmongering Palestinians
Well, President Trump said enough is enough, and he could not see why they should throw money at people in the hope of peace when all they do with it is preach hatred and war. So he quite rightly stated he will withhold handing over money to these so called victims of the Jews until they sort their act out.
However, as they are Muslims, that hasn't gone down well with them. You see, the US provides 1/3rd of all the aid the UN hands over to the Palestinians in the region. Yes, folks, the people the Pals hate the most after the Jews, provide the most of their wealth, and that gap isn't being made up by any of the Islamic or left-wing countries who love to bemoan the US. Yet instead of sorting their act out and working towards peace, as so many Muslims claim their holy book tells them to do, they bitch about how nasty the US is. Following in their footsteps is the UN which is claiming it is alarmed at the US decision to withhold more than half of a tranche of funding for the agency supporting Palestinian refugees.
But then I am talking about the UN which openly hates Israel and the US, which has no problem teaching Palestinian children that Jews are the enemy, that hiding weapons inside UN schools is OK.
Kind of explains why the Islamic world is demanding that the next secretary general at the UN is a Muslim, so as to be able to combat the 'Islamophobia' Muslims face across the world.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: Palestinians, UN

Sweden: Hand grenade attack on Police Station.
(Malmo) At around 9pm local time the police station in the Malmestad district of Rosengård was targeted by a couple of youths with an hand grenade.
The attack comes just over a fortnight after a police car was blown up a few hundreds years away from this current attack and 2 months after another Police station was targeted in a attack via the use of an explosion.
2 men have been arrested for this latest attack on Swedish police. Funny how those who lambasted President Trump for pointing out about how there is something rotten in the state of Sweden remain silent on yet another attack on the Swedish police. An attack, which is becoming a common occurrence.
Två män i 20-årsåldern är gripna efter explosion vid polishus i Malmö • Misstänks för allmänfarlig ödeläggelsehttps://t.co/igcsXdGJ8P pic.twitter.com/zyOQ9Kfzmb— Expressen (@Expressen) January 17, 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 10:00:00 PM |

Labels: asylum seekers, Islamic Jihad, Islamization, Sweden

UK: Akshar Ali jailed for 22 years for murdering his wife for wearing western clothes.
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Sinead Wooding |
Unfortunately for these so called pious Muslims, who are supposed to subscribe to a life of peace and harmony for all, Sineads body was found and today these two wankers were found guilty of murder and sentenced to a minimum period of 22 years behind bars.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 09:00:00 PM |

Labels: Islamic intolerance, Multiculturalism, UK, Womans rights

Italy: Trainee lawyer thrown out of court for wearing hijab.
Clearly they aren’t familiar with Article 129.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 08:04:00 PM |

Labels: Italy

German: Syrian teen (15) Kicked out of German town by mayor. told not to return.
Last Friday, the Syrian youth along with two of his other mates (14 and 17) went to the local Blechen-Carré shopping centre, in front of them was an elderly couple, who they demanded they be let in first by moving aside and that the woman should show respect to them. When the couple refused to be intimidated, the 14 old pulled out a knife and attacked the 51 year old male. Thankfully a passerby soon put a stop to the assault and the youths were nicked by the police. A quick check by the council found the 15 year old was already on their books for anti-social behaviour so the mayor today informed the youth and his father that they are no longer welcome. The other two have now been added to their anti-social list.
Personally I would deport them both back to Syria (No appeals) in which to send the message to the rest in the country to behave or else.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 09:03:00 AM |

Labels: asylum seekers, Germany, Islamic intolerance

Syria: Israel strikes Hezb-allah arms dump
(Damascus) In light of the situation inside Syria where the regimes forces are on the upper foot, therefore allowing the likes of Iran and Hezb-allah to divert attention, forces and equipment away from inside the country in which to target Israel .The IDF is reported to have carried out yet another airstrike on Mezzeh Military Airport southwest
of Damascus purportedly striking a hezb-allah arms cache .
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 05:34:00 AM |

Germany: Iranian spies' targeted in German police raids
(Berlin) German authorities on Tuesday conducted searches of homes and businesses belonging to 10 suspected Iranian spies. The Federal Prosecutors Office ordered the searches after receiving a tip from Germany's domestic intelligence agency. The suspects are believed to are suspected of spying on Israeli and/or Jewish targets on behalf of the al-Quds Brigade, the external operations arm of the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC).
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 04:00:00 AM |

Labels: Germany

Canada: Muslims fear backlash over fake 'Islamophobia' attack.
Sadly, someone insulted me by cutting my hijab two times, I felt really scared and confused because I didn't feel comfortable that people are doing this. 'What you're doing is really wrong, you should not act like this, and especially, I'm a kid.
Why they fear a backlash, that actually we must ask why this little girl felt the need to lie and that Muslims really are victims in the inhospitable west to which they flock to from their so called pure Islamic homelands, where minority groups walk a daily tightrope due to the diktats of Shariah law. An oppressive way of life which these so called Islamic victims living in the West demand are enforced on us all.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/17/2018 03:11:00 AM |

Labels: Canada, Islamic denial, Islamic intolerance, Islamic lies, Islamization

Monday, January 15, 2018
India: four Pakistani soldiers, five terrorists killed by Indian Army
(Kashmir) After the Pakistani army decided to open fire across the border into the Poonch district of India on Monday morning, Indian army retaliatory mortar fire saw at least 4 Pakistani soldiers killed.
General Bipin Rawat warned that his force would continue to use its "might" to teach Pakistan harsh lessons if it did not cease aiding cross-border terrorism.
Elsewhere the Indian Army killed five JeM terrorists while thwarting a major infiltration bid on the border around 100 km from Srinagar, in an overnight operation that ended on Monday morning. Indian troops detected and tracked the movement of the terrorists as they were trying to infiltrate along the river Jhelum, which flows into Pakistan from India. "In the ensuing firefight, the Army neutralised five terrorists. Four bodies were recovered and the fifth is lying near the boat the terrorists had used to cross the river,"
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/15/2018 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: India, Kashmir, Terrorism

Israeli News: Monday 15th Jan 2018
"Europeans wanted to bring the Jews here to preserve their interests in the region,"So much for suspending the recognition of Israel, when you never ever recognised it in the first place.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/15/2018 07:00:00 PM |

Labels: Israel

Iraq: Suicide bombings kills 38
(Baghdad) A double suicide bombing in the Iraqi capital this morning saw 38 people killed and injured another 95.
data-lang="en">Monday’s bombers struck during rush hour in the city’s Tayran Square, which is usually crowded by labourers seeking work. Whilst no one has claimed the attacks, but they bore the hallmarks of ISIS, who are still pissed off at losing their self-proclaimed caliphate .
At least 25 killed in double suicide bombing in #Baghdad | #Iraq— Middle East Monitor (@MiddleEastMnt) January 15, 2018
READ: https://t.co/lQSioBcPdX pic.twitter.com/xmUaMoKq8H
So let me get this right, 38 people murdered, nearly 100 injured by followers of the so called religion of peace (So the left keep telling me) on people who belong to the same faith, a faith which promotes the view that taking a single life is the worse thing that could ever happen. But the thing I can't understand, is so many people in the region will simply say. "It is the will of Allah" in which explain this senseless killing.
Is it bollocks.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/15/2018 06:00:00 PM |

Sweden: The shithole of Scandinavia sees 2 more senseless killings overnight.
(Stockholm) Whilst President Trump is getting a lot of flak over the allegation of referring to a number of third world countries as shit holes. In Sweden which also gave the US president a load of grief over how he pointed out the increase of crime in the country last year, has borne witness to yet another 2 senseless killings overnight.
Across the country in the so called vulnerable area (In 2011, 73% of the population of this area was foreign born) of Rissne in the north of Stockholm, another man was injured in a shooting in the early hours of Monday. He was taken to hospital by ambulance but died from his injuries.
Sweden, not known for senseless murders is currently seeing around 1 murder a day funny enough all in so called vulnerable areas, aka areas of high immigration, the murder rate in Sweden is running around 4 times higher than in Germany or Norway and with a low resolution rate (25%) for gun homicides compared to Germany and Finland at 90%.
And people say that Trump doesn't know what he is on about...Really!
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/15/2018 05:02:00 PM |

Labels: Sweden

Sunday, January 14, 2018
Lebanon: Israel Blamed After Car Bomb Wounds Hamas terrrorist
(Sidon) Mohamed Hamdan,also known as Abu Hamza, the local Hamas rep in the Sidon area has been
hurt in a bomb blast . A Lebanese military source
speaking to the media stated:
"A bomb placed in a BMW in Sidon detonated, wounding Hamas official Mohammed Hamdan,"
data-lang="en">Whilst nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack. al-Manar television, run by the Lebanese Terrorist group, Hezbollah reported he was an important person within the group with a security role and that he was being tracked by Israel. Both Hamas and Fatah are saying the same thing.
Hamas Official Reportedly Targeted in Car Explosion in Southern Lebanonhttps://t.co/a15jE1rRuA pic.twitter.com/ou1AQlr3YD— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) January 14, 2018
However the thing not been mentioned is not only is there a dog eat dog scenario within the terrorist ranks of Hamas and Hezballah where the use of' Israel did it' is used to excuse the killing of political rivals, also just a few miles away is the Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp which is supposed to be self policed and as this is the Middle East means it is a free for all , which kind of explains why the Lebanese have been building a wall around it , in which to spare the people of Sidon their violent temperament, which has seen shoot out after shoot out where somebody new tries to be king of the hill. As per usual rather than address the situation, its so much easier to blame the jew.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 11:00:00 PM |

Labels: Lebanon

UK: Usual suspects bit off more than they could chew outside a Nightclub.
(Nottingham) Early on New Years day outside the Ink Nightclub in Nottingham, the Usual suspects took it upon themselves to spoil everybody else's enjoyment. (Like they do) Problem for this bunch of idiots is the doormen at Ink can handle themselves:
🎥😀🇬🇧 #UK : Ce videur n'a pas le temps . #Nottingham— -₽ - 🅣 - 🅐 - (@PorteTonAme) January 13, 2018
(Notons le mec qui revient après s'être mangé une praline .. Pour une seconde) pic.twitter.com/8VTMCHKVTJ
I'm not one to glorify violence , but far too many idiots go out on a night spoiling for a fight, in this case thy lost. 20 year old Makhel Leigertwood-Gibson,was charged with two counts of assault by beating in connection with the incident. two men arrested in connection with the incident were cautioned. The doorman faced no charges, but the Club have asked the company that employs him that should no longer work at the venue.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 10:00:00 PM |

Labels: England, English scum, Stupid twats

US: Most Stupid comment of the Year (and we are only a fortnight in)
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 09:00:00 PM |

Labels: Common-sense, Political Correctness, Stupid twat, Wanker

US: Man in court over assault,can't explain why he did it.
"I just attacked him,"
"I don't know how to explain it,”
I keep on hearing blacks and liberals complaining about profiling, police brutality and Black Lives Matter. Yet despite the fact there are some racists in the White community, far more exist within the black community and their intolerant behaviour is excuse by playing the race card.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 08:00:00 PM |

Labels: black lives don't matter, double standards, Race-hate, useful idiots

Israel: Destroys third Hamas Tunnel in 2 months.
(Jerusalem) Israel destroyed a cross-border attack tunnel that ran from
Gaza into Israel and then into Egypt which had been dug by Hamas, the terrorist group that controls the
Palestinian enclave.
The IDF bombed an area east of the southern town of Rafah, by the Egyptian and Israeli borders, late on Saturday night. Israel confirmed the attack immediately after, but gave no details until Sunday. The red line in the tweet below illustrates the path of the tunnel.
The IDF will continue its efforts above and below ground to thwart any attempts to harm Israeli civilians pic.twitter.com/YGtJk37MH2— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 14 January 2018
This morning, the IDF completed the destruction of the third Hamas terror tunnel infiltrating Israeli territory in the past 2 months using the latest technology, intelligence, and operational capabilities pic.twitter.com/ZAh1biCjfN— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 14 January 2018
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 07:00:00 PM |

Labels: Hamas.Gaza, IDF

Egypt: Another Christian shot dead
(Sinai) Whilst the Islamic world and its sycophants contain to play the victim card for the worlds Muslims at the hands of non-Muslims. Three masked gunmen shot dead 35-year-old Coptic Christian Bassem
Attallah. in the north of the Sinai Peninsula on Saturday in the latest attack
on the beleaguered Christian minority.
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/14/2018 06:13:00 PM |

Labels: Christians, Egypt, Islamic Jihad

Saturday, January 13, 2018
Syria: Reporter has a very lucky escape when he is caught in the middle of an air strike
(Damascus) The Syrian regime along with their Russia masters and Iranian and Hezballah lackeys have taken the fight to the terrorist strongholds in Idlib.
data-conversation="none" data-cards="hidden" data-lang="en-gb">
SE. #Idlib: stunning footage showing cluster bomb bombardment followed by an airstrike but bomb falling behind reporter fails to explode & then close call with artillery shelling. #Syria pic.twitter.com/HtEi7nzy6f— Qalaat Al Mudiq (@QalaatAlMudiq) 11 January 2018
#Syria #Idlib #Idleb #Edlib #Edleb What was captured and held by Militants in today's battle— Ivan Sidorenko (@IvanSidorenko1) 11 January 2018
Ard al zarzour - um khalakhil - mushayrfa al shamalia
In SE idlib CS pic.twitter.com/EFy1kCWrb1
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/13/2018 07:00:00 AM |

Labels: Syria

France: Islamic convert who left her children behind to live in a pure Islamic land , now wants to return to France.
(Paris) The story of 33 year
old Emilie König has transfixed france. The daughter of a policeman from Brittany, she converted to Islam as ateenager. In 2010 after the French banned the Niqab , she took to wearing it
simply to wind non-Muslims up. She married, had 2 children, yet in 2012, she
left everything behind, including her children to live in a pure Islamic under
the remit of ISIS carved out of Syria.
She was going to marry one of the fighters out there, but he died before she arrived, yet she still had 3 more children and took to working for ISIS with gusto, she adopted the combat name of Ummu Tawwab and regularly posted images of herself online, where she was armed and entirely covered. Not only did she promote ISIS propaganda she became involved in helping to recruit jihadists from France which got the World to add her onto the list of ISIS terrorists wanted for questioning and so she lived a happy of life of jihad hating the West, Non-Muslims and even Muslims she deemed not pious enough until her whole world caved in when the 1000 year caliphate ISIS was building didn’t last more than a couple of years. She was captured in full combat gear by the Kurds (with her 3 children) and now instead of facing Islamic justice in an Islamic land, she wants to return back to France in which to pick up her old life. As mentioned her story has divided France, her mother who has looked after her 2 children she left behind for the past 5 years has spoken to her on the phone and related to the media:
“She would like to come back; she has asked for pardon from her family, her friends, her country,”
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/13/2018 05:00:00 AM |

Labels: Caliphate, Fifth Column, France, Hate mongers, ISIS, Islamic Jihad

UK: Polish Nazis walks free from court after attacking Muslims and driving whilst drunk.
(London) Last June 48 year old Polish national Marek Zakrocki got
drunk and assaulted his wife. He then got into his works vehicle and went for a
drive around town.
Police were called and when he was arrested. It transpires his family had called the police and as this is the UK, instead of sending round a squad car. The Old bill continued eating their donuts and called Zakrocki on the phone in which to see if he was Ok , instead they got this:
"I'm going to kill a Muslim. I'm doing it for Britain.This is how I'm going to help the country. You people cannot do anything."
![]() |
The Nazis coin found on Zakrocki when he was arrested. |
Posted by pounce_uk at 1/13/2018 03:00:00 AM |

Labels: Hate mongers, Nazis, Poland, Stupid twat., Wanker