Birmingham) In a strange case over here in the UK, 2 suspected paedophiles have been banned from going near any young women. They were caught out when police saw a drunk 17-year-old girl exit from their vehicle. When police walked over, the car drove off in something of a hurry, and so the police gave chase. After they pulled the car over, the police found a half empty bottle of vodka and the girl's mobile number on one of the men who initially claimed he didn't know the girl. Well, further investigations found that 10 men were implicated. Due to the way the law in the UK is a joke, charges could not be levied against these men, and so an exclusion order was placed upon them banning them from going anywhere near young women. However, as the law is an ass, their identities were kept hidden so as to protect their human rights. Well, the private media in Birmingham was having none of this and they protested that their identities should be made public, and guess what, a judge agreed today that these two kiddie fiddlers can be named. And why am I not surprised to find that one is called Mohammed Anjam and the other is called Omar Ahmed.
Update: The number of Islamic men banned from going near young girls has now risen to six.
Mohammed Anjam, 31, from Albert Road, Aston;
- Omar Ahmed, 27, from Henry Road, Yardley;
- Sajid Hussain, 40, from Warwick Road, Tyseley;
- Naseem Khan, 29, from Colonial Road, Bordesley Green;
- Mohammed Javed, 35, from Yarnfield Road, Tyseley;
- Shah Alam, 37, from Floyer Road, Small Heath.
Naturally, the left-wing indoctrinated police in the UK have come out with the following statement regards the naming of the above 6 paedophiles.
"Police had raised concerns about the men's safety."
Just what is it about Muslims in the UK and raping little girls?