Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Egyptian hypocrites?

(Cairo) When Hosni Mubarak was top sphinx in Egypt, he had no problem selling Egyptian gas to Israel in which to earn the state a bit of money. However, the Muslim Brotherhood didn't like anything to do with Israel, and they bitched - and boy did they bitch (it's why they wear dresses) - and in April 2012 the interim government (basically the Muslim Brotherhood) decided to carry out the will of the people, and, citing the supply of gas to Israel at rock bottom prices, decided to cut off the tap to Israel and then wondered why they had no revenue coming in a few months later (this was after they decided to run the Egyptian tourist industry under Sharia law), and which greatly contributed to the Muslim Brother getting pushed out when the plebs found out that the Muslim Brotherhood mantra of "Allah will solve all" didn't solve a thing.

Anyway, with the opening up of the new gas fields off the Israeli coast, it transpires that one of the first markets which has said it is willing to accept Israeli gas is... Egypt. I wonder if the idiots who bombed the pipeline to Israel will do likewise now that the gas is flowing the other way. It appears that those who protest the loudest against Israel go as quiet as a mosque mouse when it is they who are benefiting from Israeli knowledge or goods. Funny that.