Friday, May 3, 2024

Ukraine: Kyiv targets Russian troop deployment with devastating results

(Mozhnyakivka) The other day it was revealed that the US had furnished Ukraine with the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) basically a Ballistic missile which can be launched by US Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) be it the original M270 

or the latter (but better known) HIMARS.

Unlike its siblings ATACMS is much larger and a single missile will take up the space  that 6 will take.

However that does afford the missile a number of advantages such as increasing the range to hit targets from around 50 miles out to 190 miles and increases the speed to Mach 3 (around 2300mph) which makes it nigh impossible for most anti-missile systems to take them out. The warhead of the M39 version contains 940 small bomblets around the size of a baseball and in the Ukraine similar warheads used in the smaller MRLS missiles have proven to be very deadly in use against the Russians. So the other day in Mozhnyakivka in occupied eastern Ukraine. 

It came to the attention of Kyiv that Moscow was carrying out familiarization training for newly trained and arrived Russians soldiers and so targeted a batch of around 150 soldiers and they paid the price for a dictator for life who covets' everything his neighbours owns